Quote of the Day: Affrica Taylor

The very notion of common worlds is an active, inclusive, more-than-human one which is borrowed from Latour (2004) but also inspired by Donna Haraway's (2008) generative and collective 'worldings'. More like an aspirational verb than a descriptive noun, common worlding or the commoning of worlds requires a persistent commitment to reaffirm the inextricable entanglement of social and natural worlds-through experimenting with worldly kinds of pedagogical practice. This means pushing past the disciplinary framing of pedagogy as an...exclusively human activity and remaining open to what it might mean to learn collectively with the more-than-human world rather than about it, acknowledging more-than-human agency and paying attention to the mutual affects of human-nonhuman relations." (Taylor, 2017, p.8)


Taylor, A. (2017). Beyond stewardship: common world pedagogies for the Anthropocene. Environmental Education Research. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2017.1325452

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