HTML5 instrumental for Mobile Learning?

“The world is moving with a fast pace resulting into life getting faster. The need to have robust technologies to keep us abreast with the latest utilities has grown tremendously over the past decade. The scope and demand for mobile learning has shown exceptional growth and it has become necessary to have mobile devices compatible with effective learning.

HTML5 offers immense possibilities in the field of Mobile Learning and tools for Instructional Designing. The development of the mobile content would need defined strategies irrespective of the technology used to have clear directions to be followed and implemented in regards to graphics, templates and font size as well. The aspects which are important while planning a mobile module would have the following considerations;

• The goals to be achieved.

• Compatibility of the projects with the mLearning.

• Whether mLearning is acceptable by the Learners.

• Learners readiness for mobile learning.

• How and for what purposes the target group uses the mobile devices.

• And finally what are their expectations in terms of mLearning.”

via HTML5 instrumental for Mobile Learning?Swift ELearning Services.