The Paleoecology Lab at UVic is housed in the Cunningham Building on the University of Victoria campus. We have a fully-equipped laboratory with all the infrastructure and equipment needed to conduct research in paleoecology and palynology. Below is a partial list of our equipment and facilities:
Field Equipment
- Livingstone piston corers and drive rods
- Maxi and Mini Glew gravity corers and extruding devices
- ‘Russian’ D-corer, hammer and extension rods
- Percussion corer
- Zodiac 310 boats and coring platform
- YSI temperature-conductivity-pH meter
- Multiple Garmin GPS and digital cameras
Lab Equipment
- Bartington magnetic susceptibility meter with MS2B and MS2E sensors
- Fumehoods suitable for work with hydrofluoric acid
- Large capacity Thermo centrifuge and Eppendorf microcentrifuge
- Mettler-Toledo analytical balances
- Thermo UV-Visible spectrophotometer
- Large capacity heating-shaking water bath
- Vulcan muffle furnace
- Large and small capacity programmable ovens
- Retsch steel ball mill
- Reference collections for pollen, spores and conifer stomata identification
- Zeiss AxioImager M1 motorized compound microscope with bright-field, phase, DIC, fluorescence and Axiovision digital imaging and analysis system
- Zeiss AxioImager A1 and AxioLab compound microscopes
- Zeiss V16 Macroscope (3.5-112x magnification) with ZEN digital imaging system
- Zeiss V20 Discovery stereomicroscope (7.5-100x magnification)
- Various teaching-grade compound and dissecting microscopes
Infrastructure and equipment funding was provided through grants to Terri Lacourse from: