Selected publications are listed below. Students are underlined. Visit Research Gate or ORCID for a more complete list of publications. Email Dr. Terri Lacourse for a PDF of papers.
Sayedi, S.S., and 106 co-authors (including Lacourse, T.) 2024. Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire Ecology 20: 18.
Sim, T.G., and 86 co-authors (including Lacourse, T.) 2023. Regional variability in peatland burning at mid- to high latitudes during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 305: 108020.
Giuliano, C., and Lacourse, T. 2023. Holocene fire regimes, fire-related plant functional types, and climate in south-coastal British Columbia forests. Ecosphere 14(2): e4416. | SUPP
Lacourse, T., and Adeleye, M.A. 2022. Climate and species traits drive changes in Holocene forest composition along an elevation gradient in Pacific Canada. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 838545. | SUPP | Presentation of this research at the 2022 PAGES Open Science Meeting
Loisel, J., and 69 co-authors (including Lacourse, T.) 2021. Expert assessment of future vulnerability of the global peatland carbon sink. Nature Climate Change 11: 70-77.
Magnan, G., Lacourse, T., and Garneau, M. 2021. A comparison of Holocene testate amoeba assemblages and paleohydrological records from pollen slides and wet-sieved peat. The Holocene 31: 73-82. | SUPP: Testate amoebae concentrations
Chevalier, M., and 28 co-authors (including Lacourse, T.) 2020. Pollen-based climate reconstruction techniques for late Quaternary studies. Earth-Science Reviews 210: 103384.
Lacourse, T., and Gajewski, K. 2020. Current practices in building and reporting age-depth models. Quaternary Research 96: 28-38. | SUPP: Literature sample
Mathewes, R.W., Lacourse, T., Helmer, E.F., Howarth, C.R., and Fedje, D.W. 2020. Late Pleistocene vegetation and sedimentary charcoal at Kilgii Gwaay archaeological site in coastal British Columbia, Canada, with possible proxy evidence for human presence by 13,000 cal BP. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 29: 297-307. | SUPP: Radiocarbon age data & Pollen and spore concentrations
Lacourse, T., Adeleye, M.A., and Stewart, J.R. 2019. Peatland formation, succession and carbon accumulation at a mid-elevation poor fen in Pacific Canada. The Holocene 29: 1694-1707.
Lacourse, T., Beer, K.W., Craig, K.B., and Canil, D. 2019. Postglacial wetland succession, carbon accumulation and forest dynamics on the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Research 92: 232-245. | SUPP: NPP concentrations & geochemical data on mid-Holocene Glacier Peak tephra
Neil, K., and Lacourse, T. 2019. Diatom responses to long-term changes in climate and sea level rise at a low elevation lake in coastal British Columbia, Canada. Ecosphere 10(9): e02868.
Treat, C.C., and 32 co-authors (including Lacourse, T.) 2019. Widespread global peatland establishment and persistence over the last 130,000 years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 116: 4822-4827.
Gallego-Sala, A.V., and 74 co-authors (including Lacourse, T.) 2018. Latitudinal limits to the predicted increase of the peatland carbon sink with warming. Nature Climate Change 8: 907-913. | SUPP
Canil, D., Mihalynuk, M., and Lacourse, T. 2018. Discovery of modern (post-1850 CE) lavas in south-central British Columbia, Canada: Origin from coal fires or intraplate volcanism? Lithos 296-299: 471-481.
Lemmen, J., and Lacourse, T. 2018. Fossil chironomid assemblages and inferred summer temperature for the past 14,000 years from a low-elevation lake in Pacific Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 59: 427-442. | SUPP: Temperature estimates and data on Chaoborus
Lew, A., von Aderkas, P., Berland, A., Curry, C.L., Lacourse, T., Tencer, B., Weaver, A. 2017. An assessment of Pinus contorta seed production in British Columbia: Geographic variation and dynamically-downscaled climate correlates from the Canadian Regional Climate Model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 236: 194-210.
Lacourse, T., Beer, K.W., and Hoffman, E.H. 2016. Identification of conifer stomata in pollen samples from western North America. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 232: 140-150.
Bringué, M., Pospelova, V., Calvert, S.E., Enkin, R.J., Lacourse, T., and Ivanochko, T. 2016. High resolution dinoflagellate cyst record of environmental change in Effingham Inlet (British Columbia, Canada) over the last millennium. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 441: 787-810.
Lacourse, T., and Davies, M.A. 2015. A multi-proxy peat study of Holocene vegetation history, bog development and carbon accumulation on northern Vancouver Island, Pacific coast of Canada. The Holocene 35: 1165-1178.
Lucas, J.D., and Lacourse, T. 2013. Holocene vegetation history and fire regimes of Pseudotsuga menziesii forests in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Research 79: 366-376. | SUPP: Geochemical data on Mt. Mazama tephra
Porter, R.B., Lacourse, T., Hawkins, B.J., and Yanchuk, A. 2013. Adaptive variation in growth, phenology, cold tolerance and nitrogen fixation of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.). Forest Ecology and Management 291: 357-366.
Goring, S., Lacourse, T., Pellatt, M.G., Mathewes, R.W. 2013. Pollen assemblage richness does not reflect regional plant species richness. Journal of Ecology 101: 1137–1145.
Coulthard, B., Smith, D.J., and Lacourse, T. 2013. Dendroglaciological investigations of mid- to late-Holocene glacial activity in the Mt. Waddington area, British Columbia Coast Mountains, Canada. The Holocene 23: 93-103.
Lacourse, T., Delepine, J.M., Hoffman, E.H., and Mathewes, R.W. 2012. A 14,000 year vegetation history of a hypermaritime island on the outer Pacific coast of Canada based on fossil pollen, spores and conifer stomata. Quaternary Research 78: 572-582.
May, L., and Lacourse, T. 2012. Morphological differentiation of Alnus (alder) pollen from western North America. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 180: 15-24.
Lacourse, T., and May, L. 2012. Increasing taxonomic resolution in pollen identification: Sample size, spatial sampling bias and implications for palaeoecology. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 182: 55-64.
Canil, D., and Lacourse, T. 2011. An estimate for the bulk composition of juvenile upper continental crust derived from glacial till in the North American Cordillera. Chemical Geology 284: 229-239.
Fedje, D., Mackie, Q., Lacourse, T., and McLaren, D. 2011. Younger Dryas environments and archaeology on the northwest coast of North America. Quaternary International 242: 452-262.
Goring, S., Lacourse, T., Pellatt, M.G., Walker, I.R., and Mathewes, R.W. 2010. Are pollen-based climate models improved by combining surface samples from soil and lacustrine substrates? Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 162: 203-212.
Lacourse, T. 2009. Environmental change controls postglacial forest dynamics through interspecific differences in life-history traits. Ecology 90: 2149-2160. | SUPP: Life history and stress tolerance information
Veres, D.S., Lallier-Vergès, E., Wohlfarth, B.W., Lacourse, T., Kéravis, D., Björck, S., Preusser, F., Andrieu-Ponel, V., and Ampel, L. 2009. Climate-driven changes in lake conditions during late MIS 3 and MIS 2: a high-resolution geochemical record from Les Echets, France. Boreas 38: 230-243.
Goring, S., Pellatt, M.G., Lacourse, T., Walker, I.R., and Mathewes, R.W. 2008. A new methodology for reconstructing climate and vegetation from modern pollen assemblages: an example from British Columbia. Journal of Biogeography 36: 626-638.
Wohlfarth, B.W., Veres, D.S., Ampel, L., Lacourse, T., Blaauw, M., Preusser, F., Andrieu-Ponel, V., Kéravis, D., Lallier-Vergès, E., Björck, S., Davies, S., de Beaulieu, J.-L., Risberg, J., Hormes, A., Kasper, H.U., Possnert, G., Reille, M., Thouveny, N., and Zander, A. 2008. Rapid ecosystem response to abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period in western Europe, 40-16 ka. Geology 36: 407-410.
Lacourse, T., Mathewes, R.W., and Hebda, R.J. 2007. Paleoecological analyses of lake sediments reveal prehistoric human impact on forests at Anthony Island UNESCO World Heritage Site, Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii), Canada. Quaternary Research 68: 177-183.
Wohlfarth, B., Lacourse, T., Bennike, O., Subetto, D., Tarasov, P., Demidov, I., Filimonova, L., and Sapelko, T. 2007. Climatic and environmental changes in north-western Russia between 15,000 and 8000 cal yr BP: a review. Quaternary Science Reviews 26: 1871-1883.
Wohlfarth, B., Tarasov, P., Bennike, O., Lacourse, T., Subetto, D., Torssander, P., and Romanenko, F. 2006. Late glacial and Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the Rostov-Yaroslavl’ area, West Central Russia. Journal of Paleolimnology 35: 543-569.
Lacourse, T. 2005. Late Quaternary dynamics of forest vegetation on northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 24: 105-121.
Lacourse, T., Mathewes, R.W., and Fedje, D.W. 2005. Late-glacial vegetation dynamics of the Queen Charlotte Islands and adjacent continental shelf, British Columbia, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 226: 36-57.
Lacourse, T., Mathewes, R.W., and Fedje, D.W. 2003. Paleoecology of late-glacial terrestrial deposits with in situ conifers from the submerged continental shelf of western Canada. Quaternary Research 60: 180-188.
Lacourse, T., and Gajewski, K. 2000. Late Quaternary vegetation history of Sulphur Lake, southwest Yukon Territory, Canada. Arctic 53: 27-35.