Instructions on Paper Presentation
To ensure a smooth course of the technical sessions, please review the following instructions.
Note that accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference in order for the paper to appear in the proceedings and IEEExplore. While PacRim’2024 is primarily an in-person event, we understand that due to various reasons, e.g. visa delay, the authors of certain papers may not be able to attend in-person. To accommodate these papers/authors, we offer the possibility of presenting papers virtually by sending a video recording of your presentation. The instructions for preparing and sending video presentation can be found below.
The duration for each presentation is 20 minutes, which includes at least three minutes for questions and discussion. We kindly ask you to prepare a speech of about 15 minutes. The presentation should convey the main idea of the paper in a concise and clear manner, providing an overview of key principles and results. Please note the location and time of your session in advance and arrive at your session 10 mins before it starts, to meet with your session chair and other speakers. There will be a laptop in each session room. Prepare your presentation in MS Powerpoint or Adobe PDF format and save it on a USB drive for uploading. A student volunteer will be present to assist as needed.
If you are preparing a video recording for your presentation, please make sure the video can be heard correctly. The recommended size is 1920 by 1080. Please use standard video formats (codecs), e.g. MP4, WMV, MOV. Please show your face during presentation and don’t forget to introduce yourself. We also advise you to be available with an Internet connection during your session, in case the session chair needs to reach you to resolve any Q&A.
Please send your video to the conference general chair and publication chair via email by Sunday, August 18.
Thanks for your cooperation and we look forward to welcoming you in Victoria.
Important Dates
Paper Submission:
April 15, 2024
May 8, 2024 (firm)
Acceptance Notification:
June 1, 2024
June 8, 2024
Camera Ready/Registration:
July 8, 2024