
I offer my sincere gratitude to the 16 individuals who participated in this research. You offered your time, and shared your ideas, creativity and insight with me. I greatly value your contributions to my research. Thank you all!

This research could have not been completed without the ongoing advice and assistance of Neena Chappell, my Sociology home department co-supervisor (University of Victoria). I would also like to thank the other members of my UVic Doctoral Committee for their support and encouragement: co-supervisor, Mary Kerr (Theatre), and my committee members, Wanda Hurren (Curriculum & Instruction) and Lianne McLarty (Fine Arts). In addition, Cliff Haman, Digital Media Technician (SIM) in the Art History and Visual Studies Department at the University of Victoria was invaluable in assisting me in the creation of the website. Appreciation also goes to Clea Harrison, who did an amazing job transcribing the interviews.

I would also like to recognize the financial support I received from: the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) in the form of a Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Doctoral Graduate Award; an Interdisciplinary Graduate Scholarship; and a Dr. David Chuenyan Lai Scholarship and a Neena Chappell Scholarship from the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health. Without this assistance my research would not have been possible.

A final but very important thank you goes to my family and friends who supported me throughout this extremely long process, with special gratitude going to my two sons, Devon and Benjamin, as well as to my very special friends – Janis Lundman, Joy Fisher, Jorge Garcia, and Julia L.


“I acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands, and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.”