Cluster Equipment

Equipment that can be found in the cluster or at UVic is listed below. If you wish to use any of this equipment, please send the cluster director an email and they will be able to arrange access for you. Please click on the research group leader to expand the list of equipment in their lab.

Prof. Ian Manners Research Group


  • Fume hoods equipped for chemical synthesis with Schlenk Lines, high vacuum pumps and programmable hotplate stirrers.
  • Glove box – MBraun Labmaster Pro glovebox with cold well.
  • Solvent purification – MBraun 5-solvent purification system.
  • Rotary evaporation – Heidolph rotary evaporator with Vario pump.
  • Analytical balance – Sartorious analytical balance (readability to 0.1 mg).
  • UV photoreactor – Luzchem UV photoreactor.
  • Preparatory GPC – Mandel Shimadzu Preparatory GPC with UV and RI detectors.
  • Polymerization Oven – Memmer Polymerization Oven with adjustable rocking reaction stage.
  • Vacuum oven.

    Chemical and Materials Characterization

    • Gel Permiation Chromatography (GPC):
      • Malvern Omnisec Resolve Reveal quad-detection GPC (eluent is THF/NEt3).
      • Malvern TDA305 dual-detection GPC (eluent is THF/NBu4Br).
    • Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) – TA Instruments DSC25 differential scanning calorimeter.
    • Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) – Malvern Panalytical Zetasizer Pro DLS with Zeta Potential.
    • UV-Vis spectrophotometry – Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis spectrophotometer.
    • Potentiostat – WaveNow Potentiostat.
    • Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometery (GC-MS).

    Other Equipment

    • Sputter Coater – Leica ACE600 carbon coater with plasma discharge.
    • Lyophilization – Labconco freezedrier.
    • Centrifugation:
      • Sorvall ST8 Centrifuge (50mL and 15mL tubes).
      • Microcentrifuge (0.5 – 2mL tubes).
    • Sonication:
      • Fisherbrand 112xx series advanced ultrasonic cleaner (FB-11203)
      • Hielschur UP100H sonication probe.
    • Spin Coater – Laurell Spin Coater.
    • Programmable Syringe Pumps.
    • Solar simulator.
    Prof. Stephanie Willerth Research Group

    Tissue Culture

    • Cell Culture Facilities.
    • 3D bioprinters:
      • Aspect Biosystems RX1.
      • Cellink Lumen X.
      • Cellink BioX.
    • Cell Counter – DeNovix CellDrop Cell Counter.
    • Tissue/cell dissociation – Miltenyi GentleMACs Dissociator.

    Other Equipment

    • Live Cell Imager And Analyzer – Cellink Cellcyte.
    • qPCR – Applied Biosystems StepOne Plus Real-Time PCR System.
    • Sequencing – Illumina MiSeq.
      Laboratory for Innovations in Microengineering (LiME) - Prof. Mohsen Akbari

      Microfluidics and microtissue engineering facility

      • Rheometer – Rheolution Inc Elastosens Bio2
      • Plate Reader – Tecan Infinite M Nano
      • Microtome cutting tool – Thermo Scientific Microm HM 355S
      • High-Resolution DLP 3D Printer – Kudo3D Micro
      • DLP 3D Printer – ANYCUBIC Photon S
      • Plasma Treatment Chamber – Plasma Etch PE-25
      • Ultrasonic Processor with Handheld Converter – Emerson Branson SFX-150
      Prof. Caroline Cameron Lab

      Coming Soon!

      Prof. Devika Chithrani Lab

      Coming soon!

      Prof. Katherine Elvira Lab

      Imaging and analysis

      • Nikon ECLIPSE Ti2 Series inverted widefield fluorescence microscope.
      • And more, coming Soon!
      Prof. Matt Moffitt Lab

      Coming Soon!

      CAMTEC Biocore

      Tissue and Microbial Culture

      • Dedicated Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) and Human Pathogens & Toxins Act (HPTA) certified space.
      • Class IIA Biological Safety Cabinet.
      • Large scale shaking-heating-cooling incubators with glassware.
      • Cloning infrastructure.
      • Bacterial Expression infrastructure.
      • 3D Tissue Printer (Celllink).
      • CO2 Incubator.
      • Automatic cell counter (Countess, Invitrogen).
      • Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope (10x – 40x).
      • Cold and Cryogenic Storage: Fridge, -20°C, -80 °C, LN2.

      Sample Preparation

      • Peptide synthesizer (MultiPep-1, CEM).
      • Large scale refrigerated centrifuge.
      • Benchtop Autoclave.

      Sample Analysis

      • 2 Multimode Plate Readers (Cytation 5, Biotek and SpectraMax M5, Molecular Devices).
      • Flow Cytometry – Beckmann CytoFLEX flow cytometer with plate loader.
      • Surface Plasmon Resonance – Biacore X100 (GE).
      • Biolayer Interferometry (Blitz, Sartorius) for measuring binding kinetics.
      • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Thermocyclers.
      • Qiagen QIAQuant real-time PCR (qPCR).
      • 2 FPLCs (AKTA start).
      • Polyacrylamide gel casting and running apparatus.
      • Western Blot apparatus.
      • 2ul protein and nucleic acid quantification spectrophotometer.
      • pH Meter.
      CAMTEC Advanced Microscope Facility (AMF)

      Imaging and Microscopy

      • Hitachi S-4800 field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) with BSD and EDX.
      • Hitachi SU9000 FE-SEM.
      • Hitachi FB-2100 focused ion beam (FIB) with W deposition and nanomanipulator.
      • HF-3300V scanning transmission electron holography microscope (STEHM).
        CAMTEC Facility for Imaging, Photonics, and Spectroscopy (FIPS)

        Imaging, Microscopy and Spectroscopy

        • Agilent 5500 atomic force microscope (AFM).
        • Zeiss confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscope (CLSM) – LSM880.
        • Malvern PANalytical Empyrean small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) system.
        • Cytoviva dark field hyperspectral microscope.
        • Renishaw inVia microRaman system.
        • Renishaw inVia microRaman coupled with AFM system.
        • Nanonics Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM).
        • Single Quantum superconductor single photon counting (SCSPC) system
        • Nanonics Tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS) microscope.
        • Spin Coater.
        VicPicK - Victoria Photophysics Instrumentation for Chemical Kinetics

        Sample analysis and spectroscopy

        • Steady-state fluorescence (UV-Vis-IR) – capability for measurements with solutions and solids.
        • Time-resolved fluorescence (100 ps resolution, light emitting diodes and laser diodes for excitation) –  capability for measurements with solutions and solids – PTI QM40.
        • Laser flash photolysis – 20 ns resolution – absorption detection between  270 – 720 nm.
        • Stopped-flow – 1.5 ms resolution – absorption and fluorescence detection.
        • Kinetic studies with continuous irradiation at specific wavelengths (250 – 700 nm) and simultaneous absorption detection.
        • UV-Vis spectrometers with multiple sample holders (Cary 100).
        • Circular dichroism – JASCO J810.
        • Rheometer.
        Electron Microscopy Laboratory

        Microscopy and analysis

        • Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) – Jeol 1011 Transmission Electron Microscope.
        • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) – Hitachi S-3500N variable pressure SEM with EDX
        • Zeiss Crossbeam 350 Focused-Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (Dr. Marie-Eve Tremblay)

        Sample Processing

        • Ultramicrotomes
        • Critical point dryer
        • Vacuum evaporator
        • Auto freeze substitution system
        • Cryofixation workstation
        • and more!
        Other UVic Equipment
        • UVic NMR Facility: has 4 NMR spectrometers:
          • AV I 500
          • AV II 360
          • AV III 300
          • AV I 300
        • UVic NMR Facility: Bruker X-band EPR spectrometer.
        • Mass Spectrometry Facility:
          • Polaris-Q DSQ (GC-MS)
          • 3800-2200 (GC-MS)
          • Ultimate 3000 – Orbitrap (LC-MS)
          • Ultimate 3000 – DAD – MSQ (LC-DAD-MS)
          • Waters (UPLC- DAD – MS)
          • Agilent 1100 (HPLC – DAD – FLD)
          • Agilent 1200 ( HPLC – DAD)
          • LCQ Classic (Ez-MS direct infusion)
        • MALDI-TOF MS Mass Spetrometer (Proteomics Centre).
        • Olympus BX61WI confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) – Prof. Brian Christie (Medical Sciences).
        • Super Resolution CLSM: Leica SP8 CLSM system with STED capacity – Prof. Leigh Anne Swayne (Medical Sciences).
        • Infrared (IR) Spectrometer: Prof. Heather Buckley (Chemistry, NEW!)
        Prof. Marcel Bally Lab (BC Cancer / University of British Columbia)

        Coming Soon!

        Noticed that we are missing something from this list? Send us an email and we will add it to the list!