Dr. Marion Selfridge MSW, RSW, PhD


PhD, Social Dimensions of Health, University of Victoria                              2012-2017

Master’s of Social Work, University of Washington                                        2004-2006

Bachelor of Social Work, University of Victoria                                               1995-1996

Bachelor of Arts Degree, University of Alberta                                               1988-1993

Research and Teaching Interests

Street-involved youth, HCV/HIV treatment, social justice, social media, substance use, grief in marginalized populations

Grants, Awards and Scholarships

Victoria Foundation – Trust based granting                                                   2019-2023

CISUR Post-Doctoral Fellowship                                                                       2020/2023Law Foundation of British Columbia – Legal Research Fund                       2020/2021

CISUR Post-Doctoral Fellowship                                                                       2018/2019

Ministry of Safety and Solicitor General                                                         2017

CISUR Int. Substance Use and Addictions Research Grad. Fellowship      2016/2017

University of Victoria Graduate Studies Award                                             2015/2016

Sara Spencer Foundation Research Award                                                    2015

University of Victoria Graduate Studies Award                                              2014/2015

Island Health/ CISUR Substance Use/Addictions Graduate Scholarship   2014/2015

Freya Milne Memorial Award                                                                         2014/2015

Teaching and Facilitation Experience

Sessional Instructor, UVic Social Work 419                                   Jan. 2017 – April 2023

  • Teaching 35 student class, focus on critical social work research concepts.
  • Collaborating with 419 teaching team to create assignments and readings for this required program course
  • Marking and grading assignments and class presentations.

Sessional Instructor, UVic Child and Youth Care 552                    May 2021 – July 2021

  • Teaching 14 student graduate class, focus on ethics in counselling and community practice with children, youth, family, and community.
  • Marking and grading assignments and class presentations.

Sessional Instructor, UVic Child and Youth Care 205                    Sept. 2019 – April 2020

  • Teaching 45 student class, focus on theories of change, counselling and psychotherapy.
  • Collaborating with 205 teaching team to update assignments and resources for this required program course
  • Marking and grading assignments and class presentations.
  • Supervising TA

Course Coordinator/Instructor, UVic Social Justice 200               Jan. 2016/7–April 2016/7

  • Coordinating 3 instructors and TA to facilitate student learning and administration.
  • Co-teaching 50 student class, supporting students to understand social justice concepts.
  • Managing on-line communication with students to enhance student participation.
  • Marking and grading assignments and class presentations.

Sessional Instructor, UVic Social Justice 200                                 Jan. 2015 – April 2015

  • Co-teaching 35 student class, supporting students to understand social justice concepts.
  • Managing on-line communication with students to enhance student participation.
  • Marking and grading assignments and class presentations.

Teaching Assistant, UVic Anthropology 366                                   Jan. 2015 – April 2015

  • Marking and grading.
  • Literature searches to revise course curriculum.

Teaching Assistant, UVic Anthropology 100                                   Sept. 2013 – April 2014

  • Taught tutorials to facilitate student learning around concepts in anthropology.
  • Managed on-line communication with students to enhance student participation.
  • Marked and graded assignments and exams.
  • Created and revamped tutorials for incoming TAs

Guest Lecturer, U of Toronto, Museum Studies 2304H                  March 10, 2021

    Museums, Activism and Social Change

Guest Lecturer, Camosun College, Anthropology 232               Feb 3, 2020


Guest Lecturer, UWinnipeg, Cultural Studies 7112/3                 May 27, 2019

Art, Activism, and Curating with Care 

Guest Lecturer, UVic Ed. Psychology/Leadership Studies 503       February 1, 2018

Program Development and Evaluation

Guest Lecturer, UVic Art Education 314                                          January 10, 2018

Art in the Community

Guest Lecturer, UVic Social Dimensions of Health  500/600A         November 21, 2017

Fundamentals of Health Grad Seminar

Guest Lecturer, UVic Social Work 319                                            November 8, 2016

Indigenous Approaches to Healing and Helping 

Guest Lecturer, UVic Technology and Society 200                         November 3, 2016

Introduction to the Human Uses of Technology 

Guest Lecturer, UNBC Health Sciences 101                                   September 28, 2016

Introduction to Health Sciences I: Issues and Controversies

Guest Lecturer, UVic Social Work 549                                            May 11, 2016

Research Foundations

Guest Lecturer, UVic Anthropology 304                                          November 18, 2015

Technology and Culture

Guest Lecturer, UVic Technology and Society 200                         November 16, 2015

Introduction to the Human Uses of Technology

Guest Lecturer, UVic Technology and Society 320                         September 15, 2015

Digital Skills for Your Career

Guest Lecturer, UVic Sociology 285                                                February 4, 2015

Sociology of Health Across the Life Course

Outreach Worker, Victoria Youth Clinic                                            July 2007 – August 2012

  • Taught health promotion workshops and presentations including grief and loss, healthy living, HIV/AIDS, harm reduction workshops to audiences of 2- 200.

Fitness Instructor, Victoria YM/YWCA, Victoria Athletic Club        January 2010 – present

  • Taught fitness classes (Bellyfit and Nia) to diverse groups including cancer survivors.

Research Experience

Research Manager, Cool Aid Community Health Centre         September 2021 – present

Research Coordinator, Cool Aid Community Health Centre   June 2014 – August 2021

Women, Power and Pleasure, Hep-C Peer Testing, DTG-3TC, RMG-Safer Supply, Orasure, EPIC, Biktarvy, PrEP, REACT, Sharp-C, TriiAdd CTN 186, C-RESPECT, D3FEAT, SIMPLIFY, SWORD GSK 201636, STRIIVING GSK 201147, HIV Practice Reflective Initiative, Z-Profile, CanHepC, CanUHepC

  • Enrolling, screening and maintaining contact with cohorts in 48-148-week HIV drug trials and in 52-124-week HCV drug trials.
  • Completing study related procedures and documentation in multiple eCRF’s.
  • Data collection and chart review of CACHC’s 200+ active treated HIV patients, 450+ cohort of all DAA treated HCV patients, 400+ cohort of patients offered health care at COVID sheltering sites and 350+ cohort of patients who have been prescribed under 2020 Risk Mitigation Guidance (Safer Supply).
  • Created study protocol for pharmacy led HCV testing and treatment research project
  • Ethics applications and continuing reviews for all projects.
  • Program evaluation and client satisfaction of health centre and outreach primary care in COVID sheltering sites for annual reports to funder.
  • Coordinating speaker series for clinical staff on topics including decolonizing health care, celebrating Indigenous women living with HIV, 2-spirit research, social isolation
  • KTE efforts including oral and poster presentations and journal articles

Post Doctoral Researcher, Co-Investigator (CIHR, MSF)            August 2020 – present

A mixed methods evaluation of risk mitigation measures to address the dual public health crises of COVID-19 and overdose   

Drs. Pauly, Urbanowski, Nosyk, Slaunwhite, Barker, Principal Investigators

  • Coordinated qualitative interviews, analysis and writing of mixed methods evaluation with people with lived and living experience of substance use


Post Doctoral Researcher                                                               July 2018 – April 2022

Research Coordinator, Youth Experience Project                          April 2016 – June 2018

Dr. N. Lachowsky (Law Foundation) & Dr. S. MacDonald (SSHRC), Principal Investigators

  • Coordinated analysis and writing, KTE efforts from data
  • Created quantitative and qualitative research instruments, HREB proposal and revisions in collaboration with team
  • Coordinated Victoria and Prince George section of research project studying 450 youth who use illicit substances and their experience of police discretion
  • Conducted follow up qualitative interviews with police in Victoria, Prince George, and Chilliwack
  • Trained and supervised research assistants

    Research Assistant, More Than One Street (SSHRC)                   April 2011 – 2018

    Dr. Lisa Mitchell, University of Victoria Anthropology

    • Worked with participants to prepare projects and presentations to community, including published book and resource guide for youth.
    • Collaborated on grant proposals and other documents including ethics approval.

    Research Assistant, EQUIP Healthcare (CIHR)                             May 2013 – 2015

    Drs. Brown, Pauly, Smye, Varcoe, Wallace, UBC and UVic collaboration

    • Sustained contact with 150 participants, tracked longitudinally over 2-year period.
    • Conducted standardized interviews with participants.
    • Provided organizational integration within local clinic site.

    Research Assistant, Community Engaged  Research                    April 2013 – Aug 2013

    Anne Marshall, Centre for Youth and Society

    • Conducted literature searches and summaries for papers and SSHRC proposal.

    Home Interviewer/Child Tester, The Parenting Clinic                     February – June 2003

    University of Washington, Seattle, WA

    • Tested child research participants’ oral, written comprehension and problem solving skills.
    • Interviewed and collected data from parent participants.

    Researcher, Building Healthy Communities                                      March – May 1994

    AIDS Network of Edmonton

    • Conducted needs assessment in two communities around HIV/AIDS support and education readiness.

    Relevant Professional Experience

    Outreach Worker, Victoria Youth Clinic                                            July 2007 – August 2012

    • Worked as client advocate/case manager to navigate and communicate with youth and their families and relevant systems: health, mental health, child protection, justice.
    • Worked with a variety of agencies to maintain relationships, share information and work proactively to create change in the community.
    • Designed and implemented agency and client consultations for funders.
    • Screened volunteer staff and ideas to best support and build community programs.
    • Supervised college and university practicum students. 

    Instructor / Counsellor, The Career Shop                                       May 2001  – Dec. 2002

    Work Streams Employment Project, Victoria, BC

    • Counselled individuals on job search strategies, labour market information, resume building and career options, etc.
    • Analyzed and summarized statistics on clients and services provided.

    Youth and Family Counsellor, Greater Victoria                              May 1998 – May 2001

    Child and Family Counselling Association

    • Worked as client advocate/case manager to navigate and communicate with youth and their families and relevant systems: health, mental health, social services, MCFD, justice.
    • Facilitated group peer supervision for counselling team working with MCFD clients.
    • Completed numerous intakes and initial interviews to assess client strengths,

    potential barriers to participation such as mental health issues, addictions, etc. 

    Coordinator, Core Inn Youth Project Society                                   Jan. – Dec. 1997

    Salt Spring Island, BC

    • Coordinated and ran grrrl’s groups for girls 11-14 with 16-17 year old co-facilitators.

    Interviewed and matched community members’ strengths with appropriate projects.

    Media Coverage of Academic Research

    Marlow, K. (2020). “Ideafest: Should I call 911? Youth, overdose and police.” CBC All Points West.

    Price, Ryan (2020). “Ideafest: Should I call 911? Youth, overdose and police.” CFAX 1070.

    Warren, M. (2018). “Pop-up art gallery nurtured grief and destroyed stigma surrounding opioid crisis.”

    Cook, C. (2017). “heART space.” CFUV Radio.

    Petrescu, S. (2017). “Overdose victims remembered in heART space exhibition.” Times Colonist.

    Raghem, I. (2017). “Overdose crisis inspires Victoria art exhibit.” CHEK News.

    Moore, T. (2016). “Talk coming up: Paper dissolves or dies, but Facebook is always there: Street-involved youth and digital technology​.” CFAX 1070.

    Relevant Professional Development

    Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans Course                             April 2020

    on Research Ethics (TCPS 2: Core)

    Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air – Safe-t-pak                                      April 2020

    NIDA Clinical Trials Network Good Clinical Practices                                   Feb 2019

    WHMIS training                                                                                                   July 2015

    TA Fundamentals Certificate                                                                            March 2014

    Bystander to Ally Post-Training course                                                          Feb.  2014

    Provincial Health Services Authority Aboriginal Health Program

    Indigenous Cultural Competency course                                                       June 2013

    Provincial Health Services Authority Aboriginal Health Program

    Analyzing Qualitative Data with NVivo 10                                                      June 2013

    Canadian Educational Researchers’ Association

    Online Instructional Skills Workshop                                                              May 2013

    Technology Integration and Evaluation (TIE) Research Lab

    Registration and Professional Associations

    Registered Social Worker, BC College of Social Workers                            2008 – 2021

    Associate Member, Canadian Sex Research Forum                                    2019 – 2021

    Affiliate, Centre Institute for Substance Use Research                                2014 – 2021

    Affiliate, Centre for Youth and Society                                                           2008 – 2021

    Member, Canadian Anthropology Society                                                     2013 – 2021

    Member, Assn. for Research in Cultures of Young People                         2013 – 2019

    Professional Activities

    Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Drug Policy.                                    April 2021

    Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Environmental Research                June 2020

    and Public Health.

    Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Drug Policy.                                    July 2020

    Peer Reviewer, Contemporary Drug Problems.                                            July 2020

    Peer Reviewer, AIDS and Behaviour.                                                            August 2019

    Peer Reviewer, The International Journal of Drug Policy.                             May 2019

    Conference Coordination, Narrative Matters Conference.                            Jan-June 2016

    Volunteer, Gathering Our Voices 2016, Aboriginal Youth Conference.        March 2016

    Volunteer, Greater Victoria (Homeless) Point in Time Count                        February 2016

    Associate Editor, The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and      December 2015

    Practice, Volume 11, Issue 4.

    Peer Reviewer, Social Science Computer Review.                                       May/Aug. 2015

    Peer Reviewer, The Arbutus Review.                                                            June 2013

    Program layout and editing, CASCA Conference.                                         May 2013

    Volunteer Counsellor, Citizen’s Counselling Centre.                                     1999 – 2011