Hart Building & Sue War Laundry:
531 Herald St. within the Hart building. Upon researching this property we found that it had been listed in the 1926 Wrigley’s BC directory, In the street names index we found that 531 Herald was listed as oriental. We have induced that this listing was Sue Wars Laundry business. Also in the Henderson Directory, under the Street names directory Sue War is listed as having another laundry business at 719 Johnson. The 1911 Fire insurance maps showed four Chinese laundry services operating in this location, at the addresses 521,529,531 and 537 Herald street with a drying platform in the back. This map also shows dragon alley running through the middle of the property in jotted lines. This building is an amazing piece of history has been kept in good shape and is ultimately one of the last standing pieces of early Victorias Chinese Laundries services. This historical locations fading emulates the destiny of the forever shrinking Chinatown culture and legacy in Victoria.
Description: West side of building on 531 Herald st. Sue War Laundry sign faded but still visible.
Dragon Alley
This building was directly beside the infamous dragon alley, constructed in 1890. It connects Fisgard street and Herald street. Traditionally it had been used as a drying area for the Laundry businesses operating beside and underneath it. We have induced that at one time Sue War used this are as a drying platform.
Description: Image from 1911 Victoria Fire insurance maps, listing Chinese Laundries at 521, 529, 531, 537 Herald Street. Shows drying platform in the back and dragon alley running through the middle in broken lines.
Description: Picture looking down on Dragon Alley, four Chinese Laundry services operated here in 1911, this area was recorded as a drying platform in the fire Insurance maps of 1911.
Description: Dragon Alley original construction 1890
Description: Dragon Alley at night