

Book cover: Animals as Legal BeingsBook

Animals as Legal Beings: Contesting Anthropocentric Legal Orders

U of Toronto Press, 2021.


Articles Published in Journals

“Animal (Rights) Law: Fifty Years of Taking Exception to Human Exceptionalism Amidst Enduring Themes (2023) 50:3 Dalhousie Law Journal 339-377. Open access:

“Animalization and Dehumanization Concerns: Another Psychological Barrier to Animal Law Reform” (2023) 2:2 PHAIR: Psychology of Human-Animal Intergroup Relations 1-16, Art e10147, open access:

Equality’s Animal Problem: Normalizing Domination and Enabling Racism with Locke,” (2022), Equality.

Something to Celebrate?: De-listing Dairy in Canada’s National Food Guide” (2020) Journal of Food, Law, and Policy 11-46.

Veganism, Dairy, and Decolonization” (2020) 11.2 Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 44-67. DOI:

Unsettling Anthropocentric Legal Systems” (2020) 41:1 Journal of Intercultural Studies 77-97.

The Save Movement and Farmed Animal Suffering: The Advocacy Benefits of Bearing Witness as a Template for Law” (2019) Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 77-110.

Personal Reflections on Being a Postcolonial Feminist Animal Law Professor” (2019) 25:3 Animal Law Review 415-420.

The “Pig Trial” Decision: The Save Movement, Legal Mischief, and the Legal Invisibilization of Farmed Animal Suffering” (2018) 50:1 Ottawa Law Review 65-98.

A Missed Opportunity: Affirming the Section 15 Equality Argument against Physician-Assisted Death” (2016) 10:1 McGill Journal of Law and Health 69-121.

Recasting Our “Wild” Neighbours: Toward an Egalitarian Legal Approach to Urban Wildlife Conflicts” (co-authored with Erin Pritchard) (2016) 49:1 UBC Law Review 161-202.

Situating Canada’s Commercial Surrogacy Ban in a Transnational Context: A Postcolonial Feminist Call for Legalization and Public Funding” (2016) 61:1 McGill Law Journal 31-86. DOI:

Vulnerability, Equality, and Animals” (2015) 27:1 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 47-70.

Initiating a Non-Anthropocentric Jurisprudence: The Rule of Law and Animal Vulnerability under a Property Paradigm” (2013) 50:4 Alberta Law Review 783-814.

Welfarist and Imperial: The Contributions of Anti-Cruelty Legislation to Civilizational Discourse” (2013) 65:3 American Quarterly 515-548.

Animal Advocacy, Feminism and Intersectionality”  (2013) Women’s Memories: an online journal.

Legislating Respect: A Pro-choice Feminist Legal Analysis of Embryo Research Restrictions in Canada (2012) 58:1 McGill Law Journal199- 236. DOI:

Toward A Postcolonial Posthumanist Feminist Theory: Centralizing Race and Culture in Feminist Work on Nonhuman Animals” (2012) 27:3 Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy 527-545. DOI:

Critical Animal Studies and Animal Law” (2012) 18 Animal Law Review 207-236.

Property on the Borderline: A Comparative Analysis of the Legal Status of Animals in Canada and the United States”(2012) 20:2 Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law 313-366.

Pain as Culture: A Postcolonial Feminist Approach to S/M and Women’s Agency” (2011) 14:2 Sexualities 129-150.

Promises and Challenges of Achieving Racial Equality in Legal Education and the Legal Profession” (co-authored with Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey) (2010) 4 Canadian Legal Education Annual Review 171-209.

The Subhuman as a Cultural Agent of Violence” (2010) 8:3 Journal of Critical Animal Studies (online only).

Teaching Posthumanist Ethics in Law School: The Gender, Race and Cultural Dimensions” (2010) 16: 2 Animal Law Review 287-316.

Holding Onto Humanity: Commodification and Species Anxiety in Canada’s Assisted Human Reproduction Act” (2009) 5 Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left 21-54.

Shifting Rationales: The Waning Influence of Feminism on Canada’s Embryo Research Restrictions” (co-authored with Diana Backhouse) (2009) 21:2 Canadian Journal of Women and Law 229-266. DOI:

Intersectionality and Posthumanist Vision of Equality” (2008) 23:2 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender and Society 249-268.

Disturbing Images: PETA and the Feminist Ethics of Animal Advocacy” (2008) 13:2 Ethics and the Environment 35-76.

The Stem Cell Debate: Why Should It Matter to Animal Advocates?” (co-authored with Yunwei Xie) (2008) 1 Stanford Journal of Animal Law & Policy 69-100.

Postcards From the Edge (of Empire)” (1 of 7 equal co-authors) (2008) 17:1 Social & Legal Studies 5-38.

The Gendered Politics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research in the US and Canada: An American Overlap and Canadian Disconnect” (2007) 16:1 Medical Law Review 52-84.

Pain, Pleasure and Consenting Women: Exploring Feminist Responses to S/M and Its Legal Regulation in Canada Through Jelinek’s The Piano Teacher” (2007) 30:2 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 425-460.

Animal Justice, Cultural Justice: A Posthumanist Response to Cultural Rights in Animals” (2007) 2 Journal of Animal Law & Ethics 189-230.

(Not) Reproducing the Cultural, Racial and Embodied Other: A Feminist Response to Canada’s Partial Ban on Sex Selection” (2007) 16 UCLA Women’s Law Journal 1-38.

The Salience of Species Difference for Feminist Legal Theory” (2006) 17:1 Hastings Women’s Law Journal 1-38.

Is Culture Taboo?: Feminism, Intersectionality, and Culture Talk in Law” (2004) 16:1 Canadian Journal of Women and Law 14-53.

“Recasting Women in Development Discourse” (1994) 15:2 Int’l Rel. J. San Fran. St. U. 19-28.

Book Chapters

“(Feminist) Animal rights without animal personhood? in Erika Cudworth, Ruth E McKie & Di Turgoose, eds, Feminist Animal Studies: Theories, Practices, Politics (Routledge, 2023), 19-34.

“Human Children, Nonhuman Animals, and a Plant-Based Vegan Future” In Feminist Animal and Multispecies Studies (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2023), 175-204. Open access:

“Sup-Plant-ing Anthropocentric Legalities: Can the Rule of Law Tolerate Intensive Animal Agriculture?”, In International Law and Posthuman Theory, eds Mathilda Arvidsson and Emily Jones (London: Routledge, 2023).

The One Health Initiative and a Deeper Engagement with Animal Health and Wellbeing: Moving Away From Animal Agriculture,” in More-than-One Health: Humans, Animals, and the Environment Post-COVID, Edited by Irus Braverman (Routledge, 2022). DOI:

“Juvenile Smokescreens: Softening the Harm of Zoos, Aquaria, and Prisons through (Human) Children” in Lori Gruen and Justin Marceau, eds, Carceral Logics: Human Incarceration and Animal Captivity (Cambridge University Press, 2022), 238-260.

Maneesha Deckha, “Constitutional Protections for Animals: A Comparative Animal-Centered and Postcolonial Reading,” in Chloë Taylor and Kelly Struthers Montford, eds, Colonialism and Animality: Anti-Colonial Perspectives in Critical Animal Studies, Routledge, 2020).

Maneesha Deckha, “Justice and Nonviolence” in Samantha King et al, eds, Messy Eating: Conversations on Animals as Food (New York: Fordham University Press, 2019), 84-98 (transcription of interview).

“Postcolonial” in Lori Gruen, ed, Critical Terms for Animal Studies (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018), 160-174.

“Humanizing the Nonhuman: A Legitimate Way for Animals to Escape Juridical Property Status?” in John Sorenson and Atsuko Matsuoka, eds, Critical Animal Studies: Towards a Trans-Species Social Justice (London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018), 209-233.

“Is Multiculturalism Good for Animals?” in Luis Cordeiro Rodrigues and Les Mitchell, eds, Multiculturalism, Race and Animals – Contemporary Moral and Political Debates (London: Palgrave, 2017), 61-93.

“Critical Animal Studies and the Property Debate in Animal Law” in Jodey Castricano and Lauren Corman, eds, Animal Subjects 2.0: An Ethical Reader in a Posthuman World (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2016).

“Postcolonial Feminism: Liberal Feminism’s (Humanist) “Sister”? in Ashleigh Barnes, ed, Feminisms of Discontent: Global Contestations(Oxford University Press, 2015), 173-193.

“Charities, Animals and Social Change: Charting a more Charitable Approach to Animal Advocacy” (co-authored with Sarah Runyon) in Peter Sankoff et al, eds, Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2015), 239-275.

“Nonhuman Animals and Human Health” in Jocelyn Downie & Jennifer Llewellyn, eds, Being Relational: Relational Feminism and Health Law and Policy (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011).

“Feminism, Intersectionality and the Capabilities Approach for Animals” in Martine LaChance, ed, Animal, Within the Sphere of Humans’ Needs (Montreal: Yvon Blais, 2010), 337-361.

“The Paradox of the Cultural Defence: Gendered and Racial Othering in Canada” in A. Dundes Renteln & M. Foblets, eds, Multicultural Jurisprudence: Comparative Perspectives on the Cultural Defence (London: Hart Publishing, 2008).

“Gender, Difference, and Anti-Essentialism: Toward a Feminist Response to Cultural Claims in Law” in A. Eisenberg, ed, Diversity and Equality: The Changing Framework of Freedom in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006).

Review Essays, Book Reviews

Article Review: Maneesha Deckha, “Equality’s Animal Problem: Normalizing Domination and Enabling Racism with Locke, JOTWELL (April 21, 2022) (reviewing Jishnu Guha-Majumdar, Lyons and Tygers and Wolves, Oh My! Human Equality and the “Dominion Covenant” in Locke’s Two Treatises, 49 Political Theory 637 (2021).

Article Review: Maneesha Deckha, Legal Human Humility: Contending with the Representation of Trees and Other “Nature” Beings, JOTWELL (April 29, 2021) (reviewing Alyse Bertenthal, Standing Up for Trees: Rethinking Representation in a Multispecies Context, 32 L. & Literature 355 (2020).

Book Review: Anna Feuerstein, The Political Lives of Animals (2021) 63:1 Victorian Studies 135-137.

Article Review: Maneesha Deckha, Thickening Rather than Abandoning the Rule of Law: Revisiting What Counts as “Law” through a Controversy about What Should Guide Judges in Awarding Spousal Support, JOTWELL (May 8, 2020) (reviewing Jodi Lazare, The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines, Soft Law, and the Procedural Rule of Law 31 Can. J. Women & L. 317 (2019)).

Book Review: Megan H. Glick, Infrahumanisms: Science, Culture, and the Making of Modern Non/personhood (2019) 9.2/9.3 Somatechnics Journal  401.

Book Review: Maneesha Deckha, Bearing Witness as Researchers in the Pursuit of Equality, JOTWELL (May 9, 2019) (reviewing Kathryn Gillespie, The Cow with Eartag #1389 (2019)),

Film Review: “Dominion and The Ghosts in our Machine” (2019) 9:1 Films for the Feminist Classroom, online:

Book Review: Constance Backhouse, Claire L’Heureux-Dubé: A Life (2018) 56:1 Alberta Law Review 263-274 (one of nine co-authors).

Article Review: Milk’s Global Rise: A Case Study to Illuminate the Transspecies Violence of Law and Colonialism JOTWELL (April 25, 2018) (reviewing Mathilde Cohen, Animal Colonialism: The Case of Milk, 111 Am. J. Int’l L. Unbound 267 (2017), available at SSRN),

Book Review: Yoriko Otomo & Ed Mussawir, eds, Law and the Question of the Animal: A Critical Jurisprudence (2014) 23:1 Social & Legal Studies 137-141.

Review Essay: “Personhood and Animal Law” (2014) 1:14 Figurationen 27-29.

Book Review: Sheryl Hamilton, Impersonations: Troubling the Person in Law and Culture (2013) 82:3 University of Toronto Quarterly 495-496 (invited contribution).

Book Review: Lea VanderVelde, Mrs. Dred Scott: A Life on Slavery’s Frontier (2012) 24:2 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 458-475 (one of five co-authors).

Review Essay: “Animal Bodies, Technobodies: New Directions in Cultural Studies, Feminism, and Posthumanism” (2009) 20:2 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 505-524 (invited contribution).

Book Review: “Feminists Do Law,” Book Review: Radha Jhappan, Women’s Legal Strategies in Canada (2003) 41:4 Osgoode Hall L.J. 720-729.

Book Review: “Law (And Feminism) as a (Un)Gendering Practice,” Book Review: D. E. Chunn & D. Lacombe, Law as a Gendering Practice (2002) 14:2 Canadian Journal of Women and Law 436-48.

Book Review:  F. Agnes, Law and Gender Equality: The Politics of Women’s Rights in India (2000) 117 Manushi 24.

Other Publications

Blog Post, “Personhood is not Animal-Friendly” (750 words), Animal Charity Evaluators, available at (July 2016).

Blog Entry on Lea VanderVelde’s Mrs Dred Scott: A Life on Slavery’s Frontier, Osgoode Institute for Feminist Research, July 2011.

“Gender, Culture Violence: Toward a “Paradigm Shift”, FEDCAN Equity Matters Blog, February 18, 2010,  available at

“Assisted Human Reproduction Act Update: Working Group” (2007) Jurisfemme, Spring 2007, 6. 

“Feminism, Animals and the Law”: Showcase for Women’s Scholarship (2005) Purple Prose, Volume 3, Issue 6:2, 11.

“Active Learning Exercises for the Law School Classroom”: Internally Published Teaching Manual, September 2005.