Questions from students will be posted here. They will always be anonymous. I find that one person’s question usually is interesting to someone else. The most recent questions are near the top of this page.

Question: Where is the Concert Report Assignment on this site?

It’s on the ETC page. Or just click here. 

Question: I know you said you wanted the Concert Response word count to be 700-750 words. Currently mine is 809 words, and I already did quite a bit of compressing. Would you prefer if I got it down to the range you initially requested?
That amount of “overage” is fine. The 700-750 word count is a minimum.

Question: Some of my classmates and I don’t understand what this phrase means: ” First, discuss any ethical implications of playing music exclusively of the past.” Can you please explain it in another way?

It’s difficult for me to answer this without giving any type of my own opinion on the question. That’s something I try hard to avoid in asking because it is your inquiry, your risk taking, and the clarity with which you choose to express your ideas that is most important. All that is said to ensure that you understand that whatever I offer here and now is simply my interpretation. It’s no more correct or insightful than anything you construct.

One way to dig into questions like this is to flip part of it and let the mind wander. Exchange “of the past” for instance. What are any ethical implications of playing music exclusively of:

  • Men
  • White men
  • Dead white men
  • Dead white European men
  • Women and/or BIPOC composers
  • Specific instrumentations
  • Acoustic instruments
  • Notated traditions

So the question in the prompt as I posed it asks you to consider what are some ethical implications (e.g. how a decision may/may not affect someone) of exclusively playing music (which can include programming, recording, rehearsing, teaching)  of the past. How easy is it for living composers, especially those who are not old, male, and white, to have their music programmed? What about the inherent financial risk of programming new music without having a requisite audience for it? It can cut a couple of ways.

Again, I invite your inquiry and interpretation of it. I have a lot more to say on this, but I don’t want to risk anyone just “agreeing” with me for the sake an assignment. I hope that helps.