Y’all have been offering such interesting questions that I made a specific QUESTIONS page where I will post them, and any answers, anonymously. Right now there’s some stuff there from previous years that I imagine will be useful for this prompt. Thank you for your energy and attention thus far.

PROMPT 2 due in class mon sept 25

Please throw yourself fully into this thought experiment.

Imagine that a ghost arrives on Earth who erases all music of the past. Every score, every recording, every history book, every performance of every single piece of music written in the past is suddenly and mysteriously vanished. You can recall names of great composers (e.g. Mozart, Handel) but you can recall nothing of their artistic contributions. What is now available is only music of the present day in September 2023.

First, discuss any ethical implications of playing music exclusively of the past. Then please write about the music you would then perform on your instrument and include any links to this music, if possible. Why are you including the music you select? Finally, offer your cogent opinion on this quote from Nietzsche:

If you are to venture to interpret the past, you can only do so out of the fullest exertion of the present. Only when you put forth your noblest qualities in all their strength will you divine what is worth knowing and preserving in the past. Like to like! Otherwise, you will draw the past down on you.

Word count for entire prompt: approximately 350 words. Thanks as always for your contributions inside and outside of class.


For this prompt

  • no handwritten submissions
  • double spaced, 12 pt font
  • ensure it is stapled and clearly shows your FIRST and LAST name
  • this assignment encourages a wide mind however the deadline is strict

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