Now What: a Guide to What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Call
When my daughter was applying to university this fall, I checked in with her an astonishing number of times to see if she had heard anything back from Admissions. …
When my daughter was applying to university this fall, I checked in with her an astonishing number of times to see if she had heard anything back from Admissions. …
This is a friendly reminder that all UVic Law applications for first year students are due December 1 at 4pm PST. Late applications and documentation are not accepted, and …
Every week I try and answer some of the questions, concerns, or common missteps of our applicants. My goal is to inform and educate potential applicants to help strengthen …
Hi all! As you know, our deadline for admission is just a few days away. We are getting a lot of questions about very specific parts of admission to …
Hi, future Fraser Hall! This is a friendly reminder that applications for admission to UVic Law September 2025 are due December 1. This means that all documentation, including reference …
This is part of a series in which we ask where Lori Klear, Recruitment and Admissions Manager is this week. She heads lots of different places doing recruiting events …
One of the questions we get the most often is whether applicants who are applying for a second (or third, etc.) time to UVic Law can just reuse their …
This is part of a series in which we ask where Lori Klear, Recruitment and Admissions Manager is this week. She heads lots of different places doing recruiting …
We get a lot of questions from potential applicants about what we look for in applicants. Among these questions are always concerns about how to become a well-rounded applicant. …
I was recently told by a future applicant that they were advised not to complete their bachelor’s degree because they were advised that they only needed three years of …