
A beautiful winter morning on Vancouver Island.
A beautiful winter morning on Vancouver Island.


Like many people, you may be wondering what happened to your UVic Law application. We haven’t gotten back to you. Other schools have. Or at least they’ve acknowledged your existence and hard work on the application.

We understand.

However, the reality is that we are a small (but very mighty) team who takes the time to read every word of every application submitted to us – a claim that no other Canadian law school makes. It’s a very labour-intensive exercise, and it’s one that we truly believe in. It leads to us making decisions based on something other than just numbers, which is something that we are very proud of.

But it takes time to practice what we preach.

When we read everything, consider everything, review everything, and discuss everything, it’s not something a machine can do. No machine can tell us about your life experiences or stories about what makes you feel powerful or discussions about how you’ve learned to cope with hardship in your life. Just numbers can’t tell us who you truly are.

Reviewing those things is a human exercise.

So if you look at your UVic Law application, and it says we haven’t processed it yet, it’s simply because we take our time reviewing all of them. We don’t get to the 1345th on the first day, or even the 30th day. But please know that we won’t leave you in the lurch. We will get to it. It’s just that exercises that require significant human power simply cannot happen overnight.

In the meantime, take a long breath in for four, hold it for four, breathe out for four, and repeat. Go for a cold plunge and activate your mammalian dive reflex.  Run it out. Sleep on it. Remind yourself that this particular piece of your future is out of your hands right now. You are allowed to freak out, but it won’t speed up the process. Breeeeeeeathe. You will hear from us soon.

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