Hi, future Fraser Hall! This is a friendly reminder that applications for admission to UVic Law September 2025 are due December 1. This means that all documentation, including reference letters, are due on that date, with no exceptions. The only exceptions that we make are that we will take January LSAT scores and fall grades after they are reported. Incomplete applications are not accepted, and neither is extraneous documentation.
Please also note that it is your responsibility to make sure your application is complete, not ours. From time to time, when and if we have the time, we may reach out to applicants to let them know something is missing. However, us having the time to do that is not usual. Applicants should count onĀ not receiving any reminders that they have outstanding documents. Remember, look at your list. Check it twice before the deadline. If, after you check your application, you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
Good luck!