- All the trees/nature/people separated by colonialism. Hard structured paths. Disconnected. Disconnected from each other and nature. The forced pathways dictating what is going on. The separation is causing loneliness, shame, guilt. Is it my fault that I am alone? Maybe it was my fault that I am not with the others.
- Poles standing tall. Connected. I am with another. There was so much love, thought, work, and strength that went into building and creating me. I am among another like me, yet we share different stories.
- Beginning to walk a new path with my relations.
- The cone of life: This cone can create new life, a life that can sustain us. I wrapped it in red thread to show we need to be supported by our support networks that help hold us together even when we are going through very difficult experiences. This network protects the cone from damaging and painful experiences. However, the thread cannot cover the entire cone -there are still gaps.
- The cone of life: This cone can create new life, a life that can sustain us. I wrapped it in red thread to show we need to be supported by our support networks that help hold us together even when we are going through very difficult experiences. This network protects the cone from damaging and painful experiences. However, the thread cannot cover the entire cone -there are still gaps.
- This woven bracelet shows many strands of who we are in community coming together, working together. Every has their own struggles but by weaving together we offer strength, acceptance, education, knowledge -this is what First Nations youth need moving forward.
- This woven bracelet shows many strands of who we are in community coming together, working together. Every has their own struggles but by weaving together we offer strength, acceptance, education, knowledge -this is what First Nations youth need moving forward.
- Stones create a little nest surrounded by connection. One little stone alone can be easily moved, thrown away, toppled. Together they are stronger.
- Stones create a little nest surrounded by connection. One little stone alone can be easily moved, thrown away, toppled. Together they are stronger.
- Looking at the flowers from bud to bloom – there have been many, many times in my life when I felt like the bud on the left. Particularly as a young girl of colour, who did not see herself represented in the world – through media, literature, or in “Canadian” culture. The words are from a famous Violeta Parra song created for the Nueva Cancion Chilena movement. This movement used the arts to protest colonial intervention, military dictatorship, and promote cultural identity throughout Latin America during the 60’s and 70’s. I grew up listening to this music and this song holds deep meaning for me. The words translate as: “Thank you to life, that has given me so much.” I have been blessed to have strong and gracious Indigenous and racialized women as mentors and friends throughout my early 20’s and continuing now in my own studies and work within diverse communities. I have also had the gift of walking alongside Indigenous youth and youth of colour. This image is a reminder of the honour that it is to participate in this research and walk alongside brilliant minds and hearts who I admire, respect, and hold in gratitude.