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Maskihkiy (Medicine in Cree) POEM written for Womxn are Sacred Walk 2021

Tansi, Carmin Blomberg, nisîthikâson, Peter Ballantyne (Bear) Nêhiyaw Nation, Pelican Narrows Saskatchewan, ochi nitha. 
(Hello, Carmin Blomberg is my name, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation, Pelican Narrows Saskatchewan is where I’m from). 

I am the daughter of Therise Leroux Johnson Blomberg, whom carries the name Qwikilag, meaning high standing in the big house gifted to her in Potlatch ceremony from her first love David Johnson’s sister, Sarah Johnson. I am also the daughter of Clifford Blomberg and grand-daughter of Irene Blomberg and Marie Bear.

Maskihkiy (Medicine in Cree) POEM written for Womxn are Sacred Walk 2021

It is easy to become distracted,
Distracted by the new world
Minds like sponges, listening to learn,
I ask you my sweethearts, do not be confused by romanticized desire
The controlled media filters out realities
Do not let them cloud your visions, your love, your fire.

It is not all as it seems to be
Disconnected from relational reality.
I am healing. You are healing. We are healing. 
Your worth is abundant.
You are not defined by diagnosis or judgment. 
Your experiences are not up for debate
Your stories, your truths are no need for approval.
You are not the successes defined by colonialism, by the structures that hinder/crutch our people

Remember who you are
Remember the gifts you carry,
The relationships that walk with you,
Remember your ancestors, 
The ones who came before you,
Remember your guides,
The Beings of land, water, skys, the connection to the four-legged and winged-ones
Remember your family, friends and community,
The way you see great fire in each loving spirit and loved-one
Remember the child in you,
The importance of safety and security
The importance of laughter and love
The importance of feeling at peace
Remember what your sense of home is like
The way it looks, sounds, smells, tastes, 
How it feels to be at peace, how it feels to be home.
Nourish your child, nourish your intersectional identities,
Nourish your whole-self.


My sweetheart, my girl
Your intuition, visions and teachings guide the new generation,
Remind the world of your power,
The power to nourish life, love and joy
The power of partnership, honoring the support of men, Elders and community
Uphold their teachings, stories, and visions,
The strength in respecting our loved ones and calm wisdom, rewrites the story of our next generation
The strength in traditional values, reclaims the truth in our people.
The ways you share your spirit with the world is like sacred flowers
Remind the world you are sacred


My sweetheart, my man.
Your ever-evolving love, protection and compassion guides the new generation,
Remind the world of your power,
The power to create ease, love and light
The power of partnership, honoring the guidance of womxn, Elders and community
Uphold their teachings, stories and visions,
The strength in protecting loved ones/our womxn and meeting with compassion, rewrites the story of our next generation
The strength in traditional values, reclaims the truth in our people.
The ways you share your spirit with the world is like sacred fire
Remind the world you are a warrior.


My sweethearts, be gentle with yourselves
Flow with the winds of dreams
floating down paths meant to be
Facing blustering/bauldering/ storms with
whispers of gentleness and calm, 
messages carried from all your relations
What is meant for you will always find you
Forever guided by spirit.
Spirit cannot be controlled. Spirit is interconnected.
You are the unapologetic unconditional genuine love, in the silence of the wind.
The soft breath of calm.
You are spirit. You are divine. You are medicine of your own kind.

Kahkithaw niwahkômâkanak (All my relations in Cree ‘TH’ dialect)

Carmin Bear-Blomberg