
My areas of research interest are:

  • Modernization of gender, sex, and sexual orientation (GSSO) standards within digital health information systems and associated information practices
  • Community-based health informatics
  • Gerontechnology
  • Virtual care
  • Telehealth
  • M-health
  • Ambient and wearable information technology
  • Information technology ethics
  • Nursing informatics
  • Health informatics curricula
  • Health services research

Past Students Supervised

Rajesh Nair (2024)

MSc Project: Mapping the existing literature on economic data captured and used within digital systems utilized by Canadian healthcare organizations: A scoping review

Sean Elliott (2024)

MSc Project: Environmental Scan of Canadian Sources to Determine Current National Trends in the Use of Inpatient Portals in the Acute Care Setting

Siju Madhavasseril (2023)

MSc Project: State of e-Prescribing in Canada

Kara Turley (2022)

MN/MSc Project: Prototype for Family Caregiver Role Support m-Health App

Christopher Talusan (2021)

MN/MSc Thesis: Comparative Quality Indices for Canadian Hospitals

Cigdem Sahin (2020)

Social Dimensions of Health PhD: Effective Message Strategies for Mobile Text Messaging Interventions Targeting Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management

Dawn Hutton (2019)

MSc Project: Accessing Primary Care in Emergency Departments

Laura Johnson (2019)

MSc Project: Effective End-User Involvement in Project Management for Health Information System Projects

Naresh Mohan (2018)

MSc Project: Implementation of an Electronic Discharge Summary and
the Impact on Primary Care Provider Satisfaction

Gurprit Randhawa (2018)

PhD: End User Support in Primary Care

Vanessa Kinch (2017)

MN/MSc Thesis: Identification & Visualization of Patient Information Elements to Support Chronic Illness Care: A Scoping Review and Pilot Study

Adrienne Lewis (2017)

MN/MSc Thesis: Capturing Culturally Safe Nursing Care

Prithiviraj Kangjam (2017)

MSc Project: Telestroke Scoping Review

Kristie McDonald (2017)

MN/MSc Thesis: Finding Common Ground:  The Road to Electronic Interprofessional Documentation

Yili Yang (2017)

MSc Project: Regression Modeling for Preterm Birth Prediction

Sonia Pagliaroli (2016)

MSc Project: CPOE Implementation Handbook

Jen Wei (2016)

MN/MSc Thesis: Nursing information flow in long term care settings

Heather Nash (2015)

MSc Project: An exploration of communication of medication information for elderly patients transferred between residential and acute care

Khaled Alsulame (2014)

MSc Project: E-health strategic priorities in Saudi Arabia

Karen Martinez (2014)

MSc Thesis: “Bring Your Own Device” policies in BC Health Authorities

Julia Mitroi (2014)

MSc Project: Quality of Life Technology-Specific Evaluations