- Stephan Kopytov will be presenting a poster entitled “Metaphor comprehension: reactivating the vehicle domain a conventional metaphor” at the Psychoshorts conference at the University of Ottawa on March 21st.
- Archibald, J., J. Wu & M. Desmarais (forthcoming). L3 acquisition of pitch accent in Japanese and Quebec French: phonological redeployment and input effects. Paper presented in the Thematic Session (Exploring prosody in the multilingual context) to be held at New Sounds 2025. University of Toronto. April.
- Willem Kuun will be presenting a poser entitled “The L2 Status Factor Model in L3 Language Acquisition” at the second Bilingualism & Multilingualism conference at the University of Saskatchewan in May.
In Progress
Martin Desmarais. Substance-free phonology in L3A. Supervisor, Ph.D.
Stephan Kopytov. L1 & L2 extended metaphor comprehension: electrophysiological insights into the effects of nativeness and metaphor novelty. Co-supervisor Jim Tanaka (Psychology). MA APLI.
Willem Kuun. The cognitive underpinnings of the L2 Status Factor Model of L3A. Supervisor, MA APLI.
Laura Shack. What Stroop effects tell us about bilingual architecture: inhibition or activation? Honours Thesis.
Shankhalika Srikanth. Error analysis of Tamil verb forms in heritage speakers of Tamil. Committee member (Supervisor Sonya Bird). MA LING. Defence scheduled for 10 April 2025!
Completed Theses & Candidacy Papers
Alhemaid, Amjad (2018). The perception and production of initial /sC (C)/ clusters by Saudi second language learners of English. Supervisor, Ph.D. secondary Candidacy paper.
Aleassa, Lana. A Comparison of the Apology Strategies Used by Native Arabic Speakers in a High Context Culture and Native English Speakers in a Low Context Culture. Committee member – Hossein Nassaji, supervisor. MA Applied Linguistics.
Arkoh, Ruby . (2020). Reduplication in Akan. Second reader on secondary Ph.D. Candidacy paper.
Ariyo, Oluwabukola (2019). The phonology of English loanwords in Yoruba. Co-supervisor, PhD secondary Candidacy paper. Co-supervisor, Su Urbanczyk.
Armstrong, Susan. (1999). Stress and Weight in Quebec French. M.A.
Atkey, Susan. (2001). The Acquisition of Czech Palatal Stops. M.A.
Berardinelli, Amy. A Review of Google Translate Research and Revision Work in EFL settings. Committee member (Supervisor Hossein Nassaji). MA APLI.
Blair, Leslie. (2000). Arabic/English Bilingual Proficiency. M.A.
Cervantes, Eloisa. Heritage Language Anxiety. Supervisor, MA Applied Linguistics.
Chen, Yu. The production and perception of citation tones in Standard Chinese by deaf adults. Supervisory committee member. Supervisor: Sonya Bird. Ph.D
Cloutier, Genevieve. (2002). Production and Perception Differences in Children with Phonological Disorders. B.A. Honours.
Deng, Jie. (2022). L2, L3 and Heritage Acquisition of Chinese T3 Sandhi: Comprehensibility and Accentedness. Supervisor, PhD dissertation.
Dypvik, Audny. (2008). Bilingual Speech Perception. Ph.D. Supervisory committee.
Easton, Maggie. Syntactic Structure and Structural Dependency in Utterances Produced by Children Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Honours thesis.
Fung, Angus. (2004). The Acquisition of English Voicing Contrasts by Cantonese Speakers. B.A. Honours.
Gonzales, Antonio. (2011). The Acquisition of Yucatec Ejectives by Spanish Speakers. Ph.D.
Haggins, Emma. (2019). Phonological recursion in L2 grammars: expletive infixation judgements. Honours thesis.
Hanson, Rebecca. (2000). The Acquisition of English Onsets. B.A. Honours.
Hayter, Emma. (2022). The Mechanisms of Cue Re-Weighting. B.A. Honours.
Henderson, Kaley. (2000). The Phonology of Autistic Children. B.A. Honours.
Hilderman, Dustin (2017). Codeswitching in the Multilingual Mind . Supervisor, M.A. Thesis. Here is the poster he presented at the GASLA conference in Southampton: HildermanGASLA.2017.MOGUL.Poster.
Jackson, Susan. (2009). The L2 acquisition of laryngeal features: the case of English and French learners of Hindi stops. M.A.
Jesney, Karen. (2005). The Acquisition of Chain Shifts in First and Second Language Learners. M.A.
Kasatkin, Julia. (2010). The multilingual immigrant population of Calgary. M.A.
Kim, Keun. (2019). The efficacy of lexical stress diacritics in the English comprehensibility of Korean speakers. Supervisor, MA Thesis (Applied Linguistics).
Li, Xiao Xiao. (2024). Statistical power for small effect sizes: an investigation of backward priming in Mandarin-English bilinguals. Supervisor. MA LING.
Li, Wendan. (1996). Topic-Comment Structures and Second Language Acquisition. Ph.D. Co-supervisor.
Mah, Jennifer. (2003). The Acquisition of Phonological Features in a Second Language. M.A.
Mah, Jennifer. (2001). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Length Contrasts. B.A. Honours.
Moisik, Scott. (2006). The L2 Acquisition of Syllabic /r/ in German and English. B.A. Honours.
Nolsø., Erla. (2013). The L2 Acquisition of Faroese Codas. M. Litt. External examiner.
Oss-Cech, Maria. (2014). Italian & Spanish Influences on Garcilaso’s Poetry. Ph.D. Supervisory committee.
Penford, Jennifer. (2006). The L2 Acquisition of Blackfoot Morphology. B.A. Honours.
Roberts, Nicole. (2009). Substitution in Autistic Phonology. B.A. Honours.
Romig, Silas. (2017). The production and perception of English vowels by native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese living in Victoria. M.A. Thesis. Co-supervised with Hua Lin.
Rossi, Silvia. (2006). L’interférence lexicale dans l’acquisition d’une troisième langue: effet langue seconde ou distance typologique? M.A.
Sagae, Seiko. (2007). Sentence Processing and Prosody: A comparison between hearing-loss and hearing readers. M.A.
Shea, Christine. (2010). The L2 Acquisition of Positional Allophones. Ph.D. Supervisory committee.
Serpas, Gillian. (committee member; Hossein Nassaji supervisor). Translanguaging in EFL Classrooms in Japan. MA
Stefanich, Sara. Phonological factors of Spanish/English word-internal code-switching. Supervisory committee. University of Illinois at Chicago.
Steffanick, A. (2015). Epenthesis in Japanese Loanwords and SLA. PhD Candidacy paper.
Suessenbach, L. (2018). A Phonetic and Phonological Investigation of North American English (NAE) Segments in the Interlanguage Grammar of a Native Speaker of German (SHG). Supervisor, MA thesis.
Summerell, Fumiko. (2007). The L2 Acquisition of Japanese Length Contrasts. M.A.
Thompson, Laura. (2008). The L2 Acquisition of French Phrasal Stress. B.A. Honours.
Vanderweide, Teresa. (2005). Cue-Based Learning and the Acquisition of Pre-Vocalic Clusters. Ph.D. .
Vanderweide, Teresa. (1994). Government Phonology and Principles of L1 Syllabification. M.A.
Weber, Silke. (2014). The role of foot structure on the intelligibility of L2 stress errors. Ph.D. Co-supervisor with Gary Libben.
Junyu Wu. Perception of L3 French vowel contrasts by L1 Mandarin-L2 English learners: a contrastive hierarchy perspective. Supervisor, PhD.
Yousefi, Marziyeh. (2020). The role of corrective feedback in the acquisition of L2 pragmatics. Supervisory committee member. Supervisor: Hossein Nassaji. PhD.
Yousefi, Marziyeh (2017). Perception and production of sC onset clusters in Persian speakers of English. Supervisor, Ph.D. secondary Candidacy paper. Here are the slides from her paper at the Iranian Linguistics conference at SUNY Stony Brook in April: NACIL1 FD.
Yuan, Sophia. The effect of modified input on the acquisition of English lax vowels by speakers of Chinese. Supervisor, PhD secondary Candidacy paper. 2nd reader, Hossein Nassaji.