This is the Jewish Ghetto Memorial or “Ghetto Heroes Square” in Kraków, which commemmorates those who were forced into the ghetto and murdered. The memorial itself consists of 70 large chairs each representing around 1000 Jewish victims deproted from the ghetto to concentration camps. In this photo, a woman sits on one of the chairs, looking through the back of it, and posing for a photo. Not pictured here is the man off to the left, posing with the woman for a photo a few moments before this photo was taken. How do we interpret this photoshoot? If it were earlier in the trip I would have likely been upset to see this image, thinking that these people were making a mockery of the space. Now however, I am more inclined to try and understand where they might be coming from. Who knows if they are simply tourists who thought that this space was a good photo opportunity, without any knowledge of the place’s significance. Or, they could be descendants of survivors who came here with specific intent to see this, and other, sites and prove that the Nazis did not succeed. Nothing could have prepared me to challenge my academic bias in this way before the trip, but facing them head on in these emotionally charged situations forced me to reevaluate what I consider to be “appropriate” behaviour.