Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under National Socialism – By C. Watt

Pre-Site Visit Reflection The 2008 Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted under National Socialism was erected to commemorate those persecuted for their sexuality under the Nazi edition of the anti-homosexuality law Paragraph 175. Although the law itself exclusively concerned gay men, other queer people were persecuted under the Nazi regime. Over 50,000 convictions were made under the… Continue reading Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under National Socialism – By C. Watt

ARCUS/Shadow of a Rainbow – By Jami

ARCUS concept photo

Pre-Site Visit Reflection Opened in 2023, ARCUS, or Shadow of a Rainbow is the result of a long process of competitions and failed memorials to commemorate the persecution of Homosexuals under Paragraph 129b during the Nazi occupation of Austria. The open call for memorial submissions began in 2021 and was won by artist Sarah Ortmeyer… Continue reading ARCUS/Shadow of a Rainbow – By Jami