E. ELF Implementation

Designing and delivering an ELF Implementation Project

Implementing the Early Learning Framework

The Unit for Early Years Research and Development has partnered with Northern Lights College and Selkirk College to implement the Early Learning Framework in BC.  Through this initiative, the Unit worked with early years field leaders to create examples to bring the Early Learning Framework to life. These field leaders then presented this information to others working with young children throughout the province, including early years practitioners and ECE college instructors.

This initiative provides an opportunity for experienced early childhood educators, practitioners and college instructors to be actively involved in the shaping of new perspectives, policies and practices emerging through the Early Learning Framework in early childhood settings in BC.

To see reports and resources developed as part of the Early Learning Framework Implementation Project, and to read more about past and current events relating to the project, click on the publications and events links on the top menu.

For  more information on the Early Learning Framework, please visit the Ministry of Education’s website at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/early-learning/teach/early-learning-framework.

Module 1: Images of the Child

Module 2: Images of the Family

Module 3: Images of the Early Childhood Educator

Module 4: Engaging with the Early Learning Framework

Module 5: A Closer Look at Pedagogical Narrations

Module 6: Planning, Creating, and Documenting Your Exemplar

Module 7: Wrap-up and Where We Go From Here


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