January 2015 to April 2015 Values Update Report

University Systems staff continued to live the values of Teamwork, Communication & Information Sharing and Balance Home & Work.  Here are some examples:

  • Invitations to share Xmas bread, coffee tasting, choir concerts, farewell to UHire cake and pub outings
  • Happy New Year greetings in Cantonese and Korean
  • Reminders for blood donor clinics
  • Special offers – laminate flooring, gifts of office furniture, hockey tickets, Amadeus tickets
  • Where to buy professional-looking shirts on sale
  • Staff acknowledgements – Angela Hong’s surgery, Wayne Oliver’s retirement, Michelle Mason’s and Jennifer McClintick’s new positions
  • Job postings: Programmer Analyst, Network Analyst Operations, Computer Help Desk Technical Analyst, Electronics Technician, Systems Clerk, and Nerwork Services Programmer Analyst

Here are updates on some ongoing Values initiatives:

Fitness Classes:

Thank you to Chris Baddock for arranging another series of 10 lunch time fitness classes for Systems staff. And a big THANK YOU to Paul Stokes for providing the support and funding to make this activity a success.

Fun Committee:

The Fun Committee has been busy with lunch time TED talks (Tammy Ruffolo) and three Dine Ins (one ordered from the Chop Box (Abhinav Rai) and one from the Vietnamese Subs (Kristen Ficke) as well as a Dine Out at the Meat and Bread (Kristen Ficke). A coffee and donut pairing was hosted by Colin Newell and Cory Scholefield. Be sure to keep tuned in for more fun this summer.

Lunch and Learns:

Lunch and Learn sessions continue to be popular and well attended. Thank you to Corey Scholefield, Faye Hoffman, Kristen Ficke, Vincent Connor, Corey Gibbings, Chris Claussen, Dave Sanderson and Nav Bassi for presentations during the last 4 months. Thank you to all the presenters!

Welcome Wagon:

The Welcome Wagon committee is now on the trail of new employees to invite them for coffee and to meet a few new Systems staff. For more information contact Mike Cave or Chandra Beaveridge.

Mentorship Network:

For more information visit the Systems SharePoint Mentorship site.

Systems Workshop:

In planning for a Systems Values review, Sherri Puentes Graveran and Nav Bassi compiled a survey.
The results can be viewed online.

Would you like to participate by joining the Systems Workshop Planning Committee? Let Sherri know and she will gladly sign you up.

Massage Therapist:

A new treat available for staff is the Massage Therapist. With the first visit a success, two more one half day visits are now planned for June 16 and 18. First time clients pay ½ price for 20 minutes.  Be sure to watch for the sign-up sheet. Thank you to Jennifer McClintick for the suggestion and Vincent Connor for following up!

Tree Walk:

A Tree Walk in late May organized by Tammy and led by Vincent was attended by about fifteen Systems members who enjoyed a wide variety of nearby trees including ginkos, redwoods, catalpas, planes and laurels.  We stopped at the little-known hawthorn planted from a cutting taken from the famous hawthorn at Glastonbury, England, as well as noting the marker and original gateposts of the military base on which UVic is built.  A sub-theme of the walk was ‘The World Without Us’  – the 2007 best seller by Alan Weisman – in relation to which we noted the shocking state of the concrete in the Clearihue Quadrangle which is being overtaken by moss and other plants as well as being physically cracked and uplifted to such an extent that Facilities Management has had to paint bright purple markers to alert walkers to the dangers!

Living Values Awards:

Is there someone or a group of people that you would like to acknowledge for service excellence?

Current nominations are due by May 29th. For more information and application form go to Living Values Award on the University Systems SharePoint site.

Other upcoming events to watch for:

  • Annual summer BBQ in June
  • Women’s Leadership Series
  • Our Systems workshop