AV Services Coordinator Walks 103km in 12 days

The start of the academic year is one of the busiest times for support calls. All staff in all areas of University Systems log many extra keystrokes typing on their keyboards and kilometers on their feet running from building to building all over campus. In order to ensure a successful start-of-term, all areas are focused on ensuring that urgent and high priority calls, last minute requests, equipment failures, and other start-of-term activities are resolved as quickly as possible.

Armed with a pedometer, dea Kearns our AV Services* Coordinator logged an incredible 103 km during the first 12 days of the term as she raced across campus fulfilling requests and responding to urgent issues in classrooms! An impressive distance in a short period of time – almost the distance from Victoria to Nanaimo (111km)! Kudos to dea and the rest of the University Systems Staff for their dedication to customer service.

*University Systems Audio Visual (AV) Services delivers classroom technology and support services, event and conference services and audio visual rentals.

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