University Systems News for May 2017


ConnectU is UVic’s all staff conference that runs every other year. This year, on May 3 and 4, University Systems staff attended and provided IT support for the conference. Our Audio Visual Services team provided incredible support with much praise from the Sponsors. Media Services recorded the four keynotes from the 2017 Connect U conference on May 3 and 4, 2017. The videos were published on the Connect U website.

Our Audio Visual Services team also provided support for PESA, CARFMS, French of the Future, and the UniverCITZY events on campus in May. Busy month!


Last month we hosted a project intake workshop to discuss how projects are initiated and suggestions for improving this process. The Project Management Office is currently compiling the feedback and a list of possible deliverables to increase transparency, support prioritization, and improve requirements gathering.

Photo Credit: Chandra Beaveridge

Our Client Technologies and Sysadmin teams have been hard at work to decommission the WSS 3.0 SharePoint service (PC0706). Only 290 sites still remain on!

The Project Management Office is working with Development Services on some improvements to PROMIS to aid with status reporting. Detailed status reports are important as they communicate project challenges, successes, and provide project teams and stakeholders with the opportunity to give feedback on project progress.

The General Office is undertaking a large update to their wiki (PC0728). The General Office wiki is incredibly large and complex with detailed processes for making sure that our HR paperwork, payroll tasks, and purchases go smoothly.

Around Campus

Ruth, Marc, Sean, Olivia, Jane K. and Vincent enjoyed a walk to see the Davidia Involucrata, aka the handkerchief tree or dove tree in full white flower. If you are interested in joining the group on their next walk to enjoy the beauty of this campus, please contact Vincent.

Photo Credit: Vincent Connor

On May 17, the Data Centre Services team hosted a tour of our Enterprise Data Centre as part of our Lunch and Learn series. Thanks for showing us around!

Photo Credit: Vincent Connor

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