Language and the (Im)possibilities of Articulating Spirituality

In this publication we  explore spirituality and the incompleteness of definitions used to describe spirituality.

Abstract: Despite growing interest in spiritual matters throughout society, definitions and descriptions of spiri-tuality seem incomplete or otherwise unsatisfactory. In this article, the authors consider the possibility that such incompleteness is perhaps necessary and welcomed in addressing spirituality. In particular, they investigate the challenges of using metaphor and metonymic approaches to “languaging” spiritual-ity. By exploring these figures of speech they hope to diversify how nurses articulate deeply personal and perhaps enigmatic human phenomena such as spirituality. Metaphoric language uses everyday structures to help make sense of complex, emotional, and abstract experience. Whereas metaphor cre-ates substitutive relationships between things and provides insights into conceptualizing spirituality, metonymy and metonymic writing establish relationships of contiguity. Whereas metaphor functions to represent and facilitates understanding and feelings about spirituality, metonymy disrupts while open-ing possibilities of moving beyond binary thinking. Attending to language and its various ontological assumptions opens diverse and potentially more inclusive possibilities.

Refefence: Bruce, A., Sheilds, L., & Molzahn, A.  (2011). Language and the (Im)possibilities of Articulating Spirituality.  Journal of Holistic Nursing, 29(1), 44-52.