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Complexity and Health Technology Safety

Publication Alert! IALH Research Fellows Elizabeth Borycki and Andre Kushniruk have co-authored a research article with IALH Student Affiliate Amr Farghali entitled Complexity and Health Technology Safety. The article was published in Advances in Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare.


In many ways health technology safety has improved significantly over the past few decades. Yet, we still have examples of incidents where safety of health technology systems of care have led to possible and actual safety incidents. In this paper we examine the complexity of errors in an increasingly complex and digitized system of care. Although safety incidents are decreasing over time due to improvements in the tools used to support care, they still occur. Simple safety incidents prevailed in the 2005. Today, incident reports suggest complexity has emerged as an important issue that needs to be addressed in order to make further healthcare industry safety gains.

To read the full article, see doi:10.3233/SHTI220787


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