Other resources

The resources linked to here are not specific to hul’q’umi’num’ or hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓. They’re general linguistic-y resources for speaking and listening practice and for learning about pronunciation (linguistic phonetics) more generally.

ResourceWhat it doesNotes
Ta'ulthun sqwalWebsite with Hul'q'umi'num' lessons and language materials, including listening quizzesFor all levels, beginner to advanced.
SnuhwulhThis website is dedicated to Hul'q'umi'num' canoe culture and the language associate with it.The site contains language lessons and stories related to Hul'q'umi'num' canoe culture.
Hul'q'umi'num' Sxwi'em'This website is dedicated to Hul'q'umi'num' stories.The site contains recordings of stories, along with transcripts.
Praat lets you record or upload audio files (.wav) and listen to them while also looking at the sound wave. Seeing and hearing speech together sometimes makes it easier to understand how speakers pronounce sounds and words. Learners can use Praat to fine-tune their pronunciation by comparing it with their elders and teachers.

Praat also lets you listen to audio recordings in small chunks and transcribe what you hear using "textgrids"; this is great for listening practice and also for transcribing stories and things.

Praat tutorials

Praat: Introduction to listening to audio files + creating textgrids (Sonya Bird)

Praat: Using textgrid tiers to track pronunciation errors (Janet Leonard and Sonya Bird)

Praat: Opening and navigating sound files + textgrids (Phil Howson)
Praat is free to download and fairly easy to get started with.
eNunciateThis site was created in Dr. Bryan Gick's lab at UBC. It has videos that show how the tongue moves in the mouth during the pronunciation of different speech sounds. It is handy to help learners develop a sense of awareness about what's going on inside their mouth, and to visualize what their tongue should be doing to create specific sounds.eNunciate is not specific to hul'q'umi'num' and hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓, it includes sounds from languages all over the world.
Indigenous Second Language Learning Mobile and Web Resource SheetThis PDF document contains a list of applications that can be downloaded to phones or tablets, or used on the web for Indigenous language learning.The PDF contains download links for the resources listed as well as some videos of them being used.
Phonetic Resources SheetThis PDF document contains a list of applications that can be downloaded to phones or tablets, or used on the web for Indigenous language learning.The PDF contains download links for the resources listed as well as some videos of them being used.
