2023 Student Projects

Biochemistry and Microbiology

Name Project Title Supervisor
Natalie Berry Structural and Functional Characterization of a Novel S1_25 Sulfatase Alastair Boraston
Natalie Boraston Developing an ATP-Assay to Detect Antibiotic Tolerance in Enterococcus faecalis Jo Hobs
Maddy Brookall Epigenetic Regulation of T cells by the Metabolite 1-Methylnicotinamide Julian Lum
Jordan Cucksey MeCP2 Variation and Isoform Composition in Different Mice Tissues Juan Ausio
Sophie Culos Changes to Bacterial Lipids Induced by Variable Growth Conditions David Goodlett
Jaden Deodora Discovering the Role of Tumour-infiltrating B Lymphocytes Antibodies Brad Nelson
John Evans Investigating the Regulation of PI3Kγ John Burke
Mira Finkelstein New Hope for Neurodegenerative Diseases: Binding of a Novel Agonistic Antibody to Tyrosine Kinase Receptor B Stephen Evans
Breeze Gladwin Discovering the Clonal Evolution and Antigen Reactivity of Tumour Infiltrating B Cells in Ovarian Cancer Brad Nelson
Courtney Granger New Discoveries of Nej1 in Alt-EJ: Implications for Cancer Therapeutics Jennifer Cobb
Megan Greensill SCRaMbLE in Bacillus subtilis: A Rapid Combinatorial Method for Generating Phenotypic Variation Francis Nano
Arden Grew The Effects of the Intrinsically Disordered Loops of Fpr4 on Mediating Protein Interactions Chris Nelson
Ocean Han Hacking Co-stimulatory Receptors with Checkpoint Antibodies Brad Nelson
Isabella Kroker Kimber Do Intravenous Antibiotics Impact the Gut Microbiome? Lisa Reynolds
Angela Mitchell Development of a Direct Diagnostic Test for Syphilis Caroline Cameron
Liam Mitchell RecQ Helicase SGS1’s Important Role in Maintaining Genomic Stability Jennifer Cobb
Vicka Pluzhnikova The Role of Isovalerate in Small Intestinal Barrier Maintenance During Helminth Infection Lisa Reynolds
Andrew Rodd Investigating the Role of Dyskerin in DNA Damage Repair Jennifer Cobb
Mackenzie Scott Investigating the Interactions Between PI4KA and its Accessory Proteins John Burke
Stephanie Skalitzky Constructing a Bacterial Tumor Infection Model in Cancer David Goodlett
Cameron Urquhart Lipid Identities and Spatial Distributions within Tadpole Brains David Goodlett
Annika Weir Characterization of Environmental Bacteria via Microbial Lipids David Goodlett


Name Project Title Supervisor
Paige Amos Crab Scars: Differentiating Crab Species-specific Repair Scars on Mollusc Prey for Reconstructing Crab Abundance Through Time Julia Baum
Amran Aujla Investigating the Co-expression of Acetylcholine and γ-Aminobutyric Acid in the Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus, Motor Cortex, Striatum, and Medial Septum Raad Nashmi
Isabelle Cliche Effects of “The Blob” on Chaetognath Community Composition off the West Coast of Vancouver Island Catherine Stevens & John Dower
Hazel de Haas Within-species Variation in the Elemental Composition of Threespine Stickleback within the Cowichan Drainage Basin Rana El-Sabaawi
Nicole Fung Assessing the Effect of Long-term Formalin Preservation on Zooplankton Biovolume Estimates John Dower
Adam Gheis How Do Salmon Get Past a Landslide Blockage: Investigating the Genetic Basis of Landslide Passage Ability in Chinook and Sockeye Salmon Greg Owens
Kaitlin Griffith Investigating the Effect of the Loss of Complement Factor D on Complement Activity in the Stargardt Disease Mouse Model Bob Chow
Cierra Hart Rock the Boat: An Investigation into the Effects of Vessel Noise on Rockfish Communication Francis Juanes & William Halliday
Alistair Knox Establishing a Breeding Program for Pteridophyta Patrick von Aderkas
Rebecca Krohman What Stress Sequence Will Kill Me? The Perspective of Tigriopus californicus Amanda Bates
Bethany Robson A Comparison of Drought Tolerance in Two Conifers with Contrasting Mycorrhizal Associations Barbara Hawkins
Kirsten Suesser School of Hard Knocks: Young Adult Concussions (Repeated mTBI Modulation of Synaptic Plasticity in Female Rat Hippocampi) Brian Christie & Nicole Templeman
Angus Townsend Two Separate Strategies, or Sequential Age and Life-history Connected Reproductive Tactics? An Analysis of Plainfin Midshipman (Porichthys notatus) Otolith Annuli to Estimate Age Francis Juanes
Olivia Waller Calbindin and ChR2 Expression in the Dopaminergic SNc and VTA of DATcre::ChR2-EYFP Mice Raad Nashmi


Name Project Title Supervisor
Sarah Bryan Weeding out THC Isomers Using Mass Spectrometry Scott McIndoe
Holly Celuszak Predicting Chemical Reactivity of a Key Step in Common Chemical Reactions David Leitch
Odhran Cruise Direct Alkenylation of Vinyl Halides: Reaction Discovery Through High-Throughput Experimentation David Leitch
Tyler Curtz The PEPPSI Challenge: A Catalyst that Allows for Mechanistic Analysis Scott McIndoe
Tiago Fisher A Small Mercury Drop and a Quick Catalytic Stop: A Toxic Test for Homogeneity Scott McIndoe
Maria Hangad From Droplets to Drug Delivery: Lab-on-a-Chip Device for Dosing Retinoic Acid in Polycaprolactone Microparticles Katherine Elvira & Stephanie Willerth
Manon Latrille Impact of Using Weekly Quizzes on Student Learning of Introductory Organic Chemistry Violeta Iosub
Doug Miller Unlocking Pathways for Novel Molecules David Leitch
Maximilian Strasser Examining the Effects of the Acceptor on the Optoelectronic Properties of Phenol-based Donor-Acceptor Pairs David Leitch
Martin Trapero Sempere The Synthesis of Cyclic Phosphonates: Towards Stable and Recyclable Main Group Plastics Ian Manners & Mitchell Nascimento
Jade Watson Isolation of Unstable Heavy Analogues of Nitroso- and Nitro-benzene: Stabilization Through Extreme Steric Hindrance Ian Manners
Peter Yang Optical Properties of Molecules at the Air-water Interface Dennis Hore

Earth & Ocean Sciences

Name Project Title Supervisor
Isabelle Beaupré-Olsen The Mineralogy of Fe-bearing Hydrothermal Vent Particles at the Endeavour Mid-ocean Ridge Laurence Coogen
Matteo Ferri Graphite Thermometry of the Big Salmon Range, South-Central Yukon Ruohong Jiao
Anna Nickoloff Oceanic Response to Widespread Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Andrew Weaver & Michael Eby
Sophia Olim Mitigating Anthropogenic Climate Change with Aqueous Green Energy:  Direct Air Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Powered by Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Andrew Weaver & Michael Eby
Meghan Reyda-Molnar Investigating the Timing of Saanich Inlet’s Summer Mini-blooms Roberta Hamme
Taylor Rushton Pressure Compensation of RBR Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Roberta Hamme
Matthew Stephens Using Stream Data to Measure Phanerozoic Dolomite Frequency Roberta Hamme
Andrea Valcourt Canada’s Most Complete Merycoidodon Fossil Victoria Arbour & Andy Fraas
Savannah Yamamoto Mapping Aquifers Using Electrical Resistivity Surveying on Eastern Vancouver Island in the Beaufort Watershed Lucinda Leonard & Mike Wei

Mathematics & Statistics

No entrants in 2023

Physics and Astronomy


Name Project Title Supervisor
Nathan Clements Maximizing Normal Tissue Sparing: Ultra-high Dose Rate GRID Radiotherapy Using Very-high Energy Electrons Magdalena Bazalova-Carter
Matt Forbes Classical Tensor Network Methods for the DMRjulia Library Thomas Baker
Jennifer Glover An Unusual Fossil Hunt: Finding New Stars in Old Galaxies Kim Venn
Joshua Goodeve Dancing With Dust: Hunting for Evidence of Exoplanets in Circumstellar Disks Brenda Matthews
Jake Neijmeijer Linear Algebra Methods for Tensor Networks Thomas Baker
McKinley Veale ORCASat: Providing Precise Photometric Calibration for Ground-based Telescopes Thomas Baker
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