Toshibaa Govindaraj (BIOL) presents: “Genetic population structure of Black and Grizzly bears in the Yukon” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by John Taylor.
Category: Student research
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Samuel Burford (BIOL) presents: “Pharmacological manipulation of neural activity and its impact on contralateral Protease Activator Inhibitor 1 expression following stroke” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Craig Brown.
Susan Beale (SEOS) presents: “A deep learning method to predict significant wave height” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Adam Monahan.
Riya Chitroda (BIOL) presents: “Synaptic plasticity at the vomeronasal to accessory olfactory bulb synapse in the American bullfrog” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Kerry Delaney.
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Maya Thompson (SEOS) presents: “Cariboo plateau alkaline lakes and precipitate mineralogy” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Anne-Sofie Ahm.
Reid Adams (BIOL) presents: “Mitigating disturbance to breeding seabirds during drone censuses in the arctic” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Amanda Bates.
Anastasiya Pushkareva (SEOS) presents: “Petrographical and geochemical study of “Catch” Cu-Au Porphyry Project, south-central Yukon” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Adam Coulter and Ruohong Jiao.
Meredith White (BIOL) presents: “Effects of vessel noise on Pacific sand lance anti-predator behaviour” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised Francis Juanes and Nora Carlson.