Biology Student research

Genetic population structure of Black and Grizzly bears in the Yukon 

Toshibaa Govindaraj (BIOL) presents: “Genetic population structure of Black and Grizzly bears in the Yukon” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by John Taylor.  

Biology Student research

Protected: Exploring the elemental variation in Threespine stickleback bodies and waste products along the Sooke River

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Biology Student research

Investigating contralateral expression of endothelial cell PAI-1 in the acute phase of stroke and dependence on neural activity

Samuel Burford (BIOL) presents: “Pharmacological manipulation of neural activity and its impact on contralateral Protease Activator Inhibitor 1 expression following stroke” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Craig Brown.

Earth & Ocean Sciences Student research

A deep learning method to predict significant wave height

Susan Beale (SEOS) presents: “A deep learning method to predict significant wave height” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Adam Monahan.

Biology Student research

Synaptic plasticity at the vomeronasal to accessory olfactory bulb synapse in the American bullfrog

Riya Chitroda (BIOL) presents: “Synaptic plasticity at the vomeronasal to accessory olfactory bulb synapse in the American bullfrog” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Kerry Delaney.

Earth & Ocean Sciences Student research

Protected: Controls of pH and carbonate chemistry in alkaline lacustrine systems in Interior BC. 

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Earth & Ocean Sciences Student research

Cariboo plateau alkaline lakes and precipitate mineralogy

Maya Thompson (SEOS) presents: “Cariboo plateau alkaline lakes and precipitate mineralogy” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Anne-Sofie Ahm.

Biology Student research

Mitigating disturbance to breeding seabirds during drone censuses in the arctic  

Reid Adams (BIOL) presents: “Mitigating disturbance to breeding seabirds during drone censuses in the arctic” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Amanda Bates.   

Earth & Ocean Sciences Student research

Petrographical and geochemical study of “Catch” Cu-Au Porphyry Project, south-central Yukon

Anastasiya Pushkareva (SEOS) presents: “Petrographical and geochemical study of “Catch” Cu-Au Porphyry Project, south-central Yukon” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Adam Coulter and Ruohong Jiao.

Biology Student research

Effects of vessel noise on Pacific sand lance anti-predator behaviour 

Meredith White (BIOL) presents: “Effects of vessel noise on Pacific sand lance anti-predator behaviour” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised  Francis Juanes and Nora Carlson.

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