Biology Student research

Alistair Knox

Alistair Knox (BIOL) presents “Establishing a Breeding Program for Pteridophyta” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Patrick von Aderkas.

Biology Student research

Rebecca Krohman

  Rebecca Krohman (BIOL) presents “What Stress Sequence Will Kill Me? The Perspective of Tigriopus californicus” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Amanda Bates.

Biology Student research

Bethany Robson

  Bethany Robson (BIOL) presents “A Comparison of Drought Tolerance in Two Conifers with Contrasting Mycorrhizal Associations” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Barbara Hawkins.

Biology Student research

Kirsten Suesser

Kirsten Suesser (BIOL) presents “School of Hard Knocks: Young Adult Concussions (Repeated mTBI Modulation of Synaptic Plasticity in Female Rat Hippocampi)” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Brian Christie and Nicole Templeman

Biology Student research

Angus Townsend

Angus Townsend (BIOL) presents “Two Separate Strategies, or Sequential Age and Life-history Connected Reproductive Tactics? An Analysis of Plainfin Midshipman (Porichthys notatus) Otolith Annuli to Estimate Age” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Francis Juanes.

Biology Student research

Olivia Waller

  Olivia Waller (BIOL) presents “Calbindin and ChR2 Expression in the Dopaminergic SNc and VTA of DATcre::ChR2-EYFP Mice” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Raad Nashmi.

Chemistry Student research

Sarah Bryan

  Sarah Bryan (CHEM) presents “Weeding out THC Isomers Using Mass Spectrometry” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Scott McIndoe.

Chemistry Student research

Holly Celuszak

  Holly Celuszak (CHEM) presents “Predicting Chemical Reactivity of a Key Step in Common Chemical Reactions” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Dave Leitch.

Chemistry Student research

Odhran Cruise

  Odhran Cruise (CHEM) presents “Direct Alkenylation of Vinyl Halides: Reaction Discovery Through High-Throughput Experimentation” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Dave Leitch.

Chemistry Student research

Tyler Curtz

  Tyler Curtz (CHEM) presents “The PEPPSI Challenge: A Catalyst that Allows for Mechanistic Analysis” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Scott McIndoe.

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