Susan Beale (SEOS) presents: “A deep learning method to predict significant wave height” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Adam Monahan.
Category: Earth & Ocean Sciences
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Maya Thompson (SEOS) presents: “Cariboo plateau alkaline lakes and precipitate mineralogy” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Anne-Sofie Ahm.
Anastasiya Pushkareva (SEOS) presents: “Petrographical and geochemical study of “Catch” Cu-Au Porphyry Project, south-central Yukon” for Honours Fest 2024. Research supervised by Adam Coulter and Ruohong Jiao.
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Isabelle Beaupré-Olsen (EOSC) presents “The Mineralogy of Fe-bearing Hydrothermal Vent Particles at the Endeavour Mid-ocean Ridge” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Laurence Coogen.
Matteo Ferri
Matteo Ferri (EOSC) presents “Graphite Thermometry of the Big Salmon Range, South-Central Yukon” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Ruohong Jiao.
Anna Nickoloff
Anna Nickoloff (EOSC) presents “Oceanic Response to Widespread Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Andrew Weaver and Michael Eby.
Sophia Olim
Sophia Olim (EOSC) presents “Mitigating Anthropogenic Climate Change with Aqueous Green Energy: Direct Air Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Powered by Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Andrew Weaver and Michael Eby.
Meghan Reyda-Molnar (EOSC) presents “Investigating the Timing of Saanich Inlet’s Summer Mini-blooms” for Honours Fest 2023. Honours research supervised by Roberta Hamme.