Biology Student research

Shaye Tudor

Shaye Tudor (BCMB) presents “Are boats drowning out the singing fish of the West Coast?” for Honours Fest 2022. 

Biology Student research

Megan Loland

Megan Loland (BIO) presents “Molecular and phenotypic analysis of ugt71l1-overexpressing and ugt71l1-rescued transgenic poplars: Understanding salicinoid phenolic glycoside biosynthesis” for Honours Fest 2022.

Biology Student research

Madeleine Thomson

Madeleine Thomson (BIO) presents “Spatial navigation and maze learning in a fish with alternative reproductive tactics” for Honours Fest 2022. Honours research project supervised by Francis Juanes.

Biology Student research

Julianne Anderson

Julianne Anderson (BIO) presents “Poplar-derived chelators as a novel treatment for iron overload” for Honours Fest 2022. Honours research project supervised by Juergen Ehlting and Patrick Walter.

Biology Student research

Jori Bishop

Jori Bishop (BIO) presents “Parkinson’s Disease and Skin Cancer are Correlated: Is Light at Night a Factor?” for Honours Fest 2022. Honours research project supervised by Patrick Walter and John Taylor.

Biology Student research

Jacob Bos

Jacob Bos (BIO) presents “Long-Term Depression in the Accesory Olfactory Bulb from Low-Frequency Stimulation” for Honours Fest 2022. Honours research project supervised by Kerry Delaney.

Biology Student research

Emily Bosdachin

Emily Bosdachin (BIO) presents “Cell proliferation in the hippocampus of adult female rats after repeated mild traumatic brain injury” for Honours Fest 2022.

Biology Student research

Declynn Robertson-Hooper

Declynn Robertson-Hooper (BIO) presents “The Influence of Gene Dosage on the Regulation of PAX6 by miRNA-7” for Honours Fest 2022. Honours research project supervised by Robert (Bob) Chow.

Biology Student research

Chloe McKee

Chloe McKee (BIO) presents “Zooming in on brain ageing: an ultrastructural investigation of microglia-neuron interactions ” for Honours Fest 2022. Honours research project supervised by Marie-Ève Tremblay and Raad Nashmi.

Biology Student research

Carolina Limido

Carolina Limido (BIO) presents “Quantifying grazing rates of microeukaryotes across oxic/anoxic gradient in Saanich Inlet, BC” for Honours Fest 2022.

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