Defining and showcasing your brand with a side order of social media

Here’s my cheat sheet to get to started building your online community. Use these tips and resources to grow your online presence.

Getting to know your own brand

You can’t promote what you don’t know.

  • Answer your “Big Why” in 4 words. Yes this is shorter than a mission statement, but you can do it! Now start signing your email with it!
  • What are your core values? Reflect on peak experiences that hit you emotionally.
  • Who is your hero? Who is your tribe? Tell a story about one of your heroes – this is your hook

My preferred methods of growing an audience: IRL, SM, content marketing (blog with sign up button at the end, guest posts, Q&A with segment leaders), email

  • Speak to people already following using the mom test

Your website

  • The sign up button: newsletter sign up, auto login after sign up
  • Send a personal email w/in 24 hrs asking why they signed up
  • Ask: What’s the main benefit of our product to you? If our product went away tomorrow, how disappointed would you be?
  • Once 40% are “very disappointed, it’s time to grow!

UX tools



Social Media


  • quick 150 WD bio, direct CTA w memorable URL that opens to unique high value landing page (promo code)
  • only talk to ideal user
  • reply & flood #
  • Audisense to find audience
  • to make memes
  • hootsuite to schedule posts

Your FB group

  • Get your group going by inviting engaged FB page users and newletter subscribers to join
  • Posts to a group always show up in people’s feed
  • Paid ads need a custom audience, find it with
  • Fanpage.karma lets you track the competition’s FB page


  •  Send tweets when audisense bttt tells you to
  • Copy followers with tweepi
  • Build hootsuite searches on your audience themes
  • RT compliments
  • Tweet the same thing 5x/day
  • tweet anatomy: picture, link, CTA
  • tweet lots 10-50x/day

Tumblr – youth oriented, only go here if your audience is here

Pinterest – if you blog about beautiful things, audience is female 30+, remove any pin not repinned 6x in 48 hrs

Reddit – search for your niche, post in 10 subreddits

Snapchat – v. important if your company = your personal brand

Community mgmt

  • Not on Sunday night
  • Use hootsuite
  • Shorten links using bitly or to track what works/doesn’t work

CSC 595 “Research Skills” Elevator Pitch Day

CSC 595 is a required course for computer science graduate students that teaches new researchers how to choose a research method, prepare for and present a research talk, prepare a research proposal, do a literature search and evaluate research.

As part of their course requirements, students worked to polish and deliver their elevator pitches. The instructor is one of my mentors and the past-chair of the UVic computer science department, Sue Whitesides. Sue and I had pulled off many successful intrustrial networking events together and she was confident that I could show the students how to sell themselves in seconds. No pressure.

Looking around the classroom as we waited to start, I took in the diverse crowd and tried not to feel intimidated. I’m pretty sure any number students seated in the room could have out-pitched me! No matter, I kicked off the class off with my own elevator pitch. It was over in just under two minutes. Here’s how I did it.

Who are you?

Keep it short. What would you most want the listener to remember about you?

What can you do?

Here is where you state your value phrased as key results or impact. To organize your thoughts, it may help to think of this as your tag line, or purpose statement.

Why are you doing it?

Now it’s time to show the unique benefits that you and/ or your company bring. Show what you do that is different or better than others

What are your goals?

Describe your immediate goals. Goals should be concrete and realistic. Include a time frame. This is the final step and it should be clear to the listener what you are asking of him or her.


Use words that show what you do instead of tell: advanced, approved, authoritavie, certified, confirmed, dominant, early, endorsed, established, finest, foremost, inaugural, inceptive, key, responsive …

Practise practise practise so you don’t repeat words or ramble, but be careful not to sound like you’re reciting off a script.

Be flexible. If your audience asks a question or looks like he or she wants to interrupt, be willing to go in a new direction. After all, the pitch is designed to start a conversation. If that conversation starts sooner, well done!




Authentic storytelling

I’ve had more that enough time to let the dust has settle and I think I’m ready to talk about my favourite session Social Media Camp and how I plan to apply it to my personal life.

The session was called “Brand Culture and Storytelling” and the speaker was David Reeve (@unleashculture) of Unleash Culture.

David explained that every brand story has three emotional hooks: purpose, values and have a hero. This resonated with me and I saw applications both personally and professionally. I already posted about how to implement storytelling into your professional brand, and I wanted to try and capture how I see this approach as a fit for me. David shared several examples of companies that spend as much effort sharing their emotional hook as they do telling people about their product.

Can you answer your “Big Why” in four words?

Your purpose statement is similar to a mission statement except that it’s foward focused and four-words or shorter.  Look for why or how you do what you do, rather than what it is that you do. Focus on your character and the things that emotional emphasis.

Here’s my personal purpose statement (it’s a work in progress): Connect with positivity

Now, the next time you meet someone at a networking event, try introducing yourself using your purpose statement. Feel totally awkward? David assured us that this is the feeling of getting the first emotional hook. A more sublte way to integrate your purpose statement is to include it in your email signature.

Define your core values

Values represent who we are not who we would like to be or think we should be. They represent your unique and individual essense and serve as a compass pointing towards what it means to be your true self. Your values can be discerned from how you live in the world and tend to show up time and time again in our lives.

Keep in mind that values aren’t core if you have to read them off a cheat sheet. You need to be able to live your values.

To help identify your values, identify special, peak moments when life was expecially rewarding or poignant, rich or fulfilling and ask yourself what was happening, who was present and what was going on. What were the values being honoured?

Conversely, look at times you were angry, frustrated or upset – these times are likely to signal when an important value was being supressed or compromised.

Luckily, I had already worked out my top core values at a previous workshop. The following is the very top of a list of 25 values that I feel are most important in my life both personally and professionally.

  • Individuality: Room for originality and self-reflection
  • Fairness: Consider all people equally
  • Intelligence: Acquiring and applying knowledge, skills and experience
  • Competence: Do things well

I know that these are my core values because when I find myself in a situation where one of these values is tested, it’s almost like I have no control over my emotional reaction. I’ve been in situations where someone is treated unfairly and my blood will boil!

Make someone a hero

Who are the heroes in my life? Currently, I have several roles that represent keys to who I am: coordinator, communicator, mother, best friend, leader. I’m energized by the impact each of these roles has.

  • As a secret weapon, I build on the fantastic customer service my office provides by telling the story of our student’s success via social media and traditional channels.
  • As my spouse’s best friend, I show my unconditional love and support by helping him achieve his professional and athletic goals.
  • I nurture the character and abilities of my children to the fullest by giving them dedicated one-on-one time every day.
  • As my Sparks unit’s biggest fan, I boost the confidence of each Spark through discovering, cultivating and recognizing their individual strengths.

Build your story

Be the chief storyteller of your life. It’s up to you and your heroes tell the world.


COM 405 Website Review Day


COM 405 “Career Preparation Across Borders” is a dynamic advanced career prep course in the Bachelor of Commerce Program at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. The goal of COM 405 is to set each and every Commerce student up with global networks, build their resume, gain mentors, international experiences and build technical skills.

Students are required to build out a website to showcase themselves to potential employers. To help them figure out what kinds of elements to include on a personal website, they were provided with a demo website. Most students chose a Weebly template to build out from. I was invited to attend a coaching session to help students build, strengthen and showcase their own brand.

The BCOM Experiential Learning Manager and one of the course instructors, Jennifer Gill, supplied a rubric to help make sure I was providing the right kinds of feedback. Some of the students showed up with fully built out sites and others were expecting a lot more hand holding.

I shared my favourite tips on effective writing for the web and basic content layout. I also asked some of my favourite “GROW” coaching questions. These open-ended questions helped them to nail down their purpose and values, and through this, clarity about their personal brand.

My favourite component that students included was a “global mindset” page. It helped to tease out the why and how that motivated each student. By fourth year, every Gustavson Commerce student has had some sort of international experience, either as an exchange student to another institution or on an international work term.

The completed sites were revealed at the Global Leaders Festival, billed as a “reverse career fair” for employers to identify new talent.