Going to Social Media Camp!

After Lunch Box Yoga in the glorious new CARSA yoga studio today, I’m headed downtown for Social Media Camp!

This will be my second year attending as a contributor to the UVic social media story and my first year with the @uvicregistrar hat on. I’m going to try and focus on sessions that will help me to connect with the next generation on UVic students.

25 random things

  1. I ran away the summer before grade 10 and spent a weekend on some beach near Comox burning logs, drinking Growers and watching people drive jeeps into the ocean until the police put me on a bus home.
  2. I saw a UFO in grade 12.
  3. I have had 9 cats (2 are still around).
  4. I left the best mix tape ever on the train to Stockholm … Morrisey, the Smiths and some Swedish pop.
  5. My favourite hair colour is blue-black like a comic book character. It was only this colour once and it was very hard to keep up.
  6. I’m in love with the ocean – the smell and sound and taste.
  7. My dream house is a boat.
  8. My favourite foods are mussels and salmon.
  9. I’m extremely shortsighted so even though I had LASIK and am over 40, I will never need readers.
  10. I have a extremely high tolerance for repetitive and boring tasks.
  11. I love live music and wish that I had practiced harder and not traded my violin for pot.
  12. I agreed to get married at the Radiohead concert in Vancouver in 1998, so even though we were only officially engaged for 5 months, we had know for a long time.
  13.  I like the feeling of sore muscles.
  14. I am a dancing fool.
  15. I hate washing dishes and matching socks.
  16. I like standing on mountain tops, but I hate going back down.
  17. Since becoming a mom, my taste in music has mellowed significantly. Learning to name my emotions helped me understand why I like such angry and aggressive music.
  18. I tried to be vegan and ended up with lactose intolerance.
  19. I find that riding my scooter and paddling in big waves are the perfect combination of “fun” and “scary”.
  20. I am wary of stuff and keep trying to get rid of it, except for unique pieces of clothing that go into the tickle trunk.
  21. My favourite colour is orange – like molten glass.
  22. My favourite movies all have puke scenes.
  23. There is land in Ontario that the Government of Canada carved off of Alderville First Nation and traded for my Great-Grandma’s native status when she married a Scottish colonist.
  24. I would rather just hang out and drink, but if Settler’s is what’s happening tonight, then I guess I’m in.
  25. I’m a sucker for a back/foot/head massage.

Want to lose weight?

Just eat like a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes!

  • 64 ounces of water per day
  • 3 meals/3 snacks a day


  • no corn syrup or high fructose
  • no bagels
  • no fruit juices (only use a small amount of milk to bring up any low blood sugars)
  • no mayonnaise (only light or Naonaise-soy based)
  • no butter (use Smart Balance or small amount of olive oil)
  • NO CHINESE FOOD, not even steamed w/sauce on side.


  • winter squash(acorn), corn and peas are counted as starches-substitute for rice, potatoes or pasta
  • can use soy creamer
  • can use low fat yogurt (no more than 10 grams of sugar)
  • only low fat cheeses
  • eggs-2 per week if no cholesterol problems-can use 1/2 cup Egg Beaters instead of whole eggs


  • Agave (doesn’t raise blood sugar) in baking use 1/2 cup to 1 cup of regular sugar
  • Stevia (in Health Food store)
  • Splenda ( 1 packet a day only)


  • no more than 80-90 calories per slice with 2 grams of fiber and 1 gram sugar  (if whole wheat-needs to say 100% whole wheat in ingredient list & no corn syrup or high fructose)
  • NO wraps unless “low carb” (150 calories max & 30 grams carbs with less than 3 grams sugar and with 3-4 grams fiber per wrap)
  • cereal-no more than 6 grams of sugar per serving-no more than 120 calories per serving-no corn syrup or high fructose (ex: 3/4 cup Natures Path Flax Plus, 1 cup Kashi Heart to Heart, 1 cup Kashi Go Lean (plain) )
  • pasta-whole grain (Barilla Plus is good)
  • Frozen entrees- only Lean Cuisine Spa meals (no beef) (30 grams or less of carbs) or Kashi frozen meals
  • Can have 2 slices thin crust pizza (no pepperoni) once per month & one small spoonful of your favorite dessert once per month


  • no more then 10 grams of carbs and have a protein
  • suggest 1/2 whole wheat English muffin, 1 slice light whole wheat toast, or 1/4 cup oatmeal (non presweetened)
  • suggest 2 tablespoons peanut butter or 1/2 cup cottage cheese or 3 egg whites or 2 slices low fat regular cheese

    AM snack

  • 1 protein and as many veggies as you want- 2 1/2 hours after breakfast
  • suggest 2 Tbsp peanut butter and carrot sticks


  • no more then 30 carbs and protein
  • suggest 2 slices bread or 1 cup brown rice or 2 small red potatoes
    and 4 slices of ham or turkey or chicken or 1 cup cottage cheese or 3 oz tuna and as many veggies as you want

    PM snack

  • 1 fruit and protein 2 1/2 hours after lunch (never eat fruit alone, eat with protein)
  • Suggest 1 piece fruit (or 2 plums, or 2 clementines or 15 cherries or 15 grapes) and 1 string cheese or 2 Tbsp peanut butter or 1 Kashi bar


  • no more than 30 grams carbs and protein 2 1/1 hours after pm snack
  • suggest-1 cup brown rice or 1 small sweetened potato or 2 small red potatoes or 1 cup whole grain pasta or 1 cup corn/peas
  • and 3 oz (size of a deck of cards) chicken or turkey or lean beef (beef 1 time per week only) or 1 small porkchop or 4 oz fish
  • lots of salad and veggies of your choice
  • fruit for dessert (no fruit after 7pm)

    Bedtime snack

  • 15 grams carbs and protein 2 1/2 hours after dinner
  • suggested-1 string cheese or 2 Tbsp peanut butter
  • and 1 Kashi bar or 10 Kashi TLC crackers or 3 cups light popcorn or 1 slice of bread