Indigenous Knowledge Impacts on Microbiology, Genetics and More!

Years ago, I started a thread on an online platform that I no longer use.   I would add articles and information to this thread every time I came across an example of Indigenous ways of knowing intersecting with western science.
I started the thread with a focus on microbiology and genetics. It all kicked off when I read about how bear population genetics match up along the same borders as Indigenous language families. This continues to blow my mind and I wondered what other traditional knowledge is finally being supported by science.
It’s a mind blowing list that keeps on growing!  The hunt for researchers looking into wild rice genetics and three sisters microbiome …

Antimicrobial Kisameet clay

Bison genomics project

The bear genomics project made me wonder whether there was anything going on with bison genomics. Turns out the answer is yes! 

So if there’s a bear project and a bison project, is there a moose project? You guessed it! DYK that the reason there is no plural for moose is that moose is a partial translation from Anishnaabemowin?

More than one = moozog! 
J.B. Williams is an ethnobotanist who dedicates himself to keeping traditional knowledge of native plants alive.
The fabulous JVN gets curious about Indigenous science with Dr. Jessica Hernandez
The next time you’re on the rocky west coast, consider how those rock piles ended up where they are
Now that we know Stonehenge is an ancient calendar that divided the month into 10-day weeks and accurately recorded 365.25 days in a year, it’s time to take a closed look at North America’s 28-spoke medicine wheel
Where government doesn’t reach with conservation policy, Indigenous guardians from the Kitasoo/Xai’Xais, Heiltsuk and Wuikinuxv First Nations are monitoring wildlife populations, fisheries, oil spills and illegal logging an approach that is spreading! 
How to limit human salmon harvests to ensure the bears have enough to eat:
Research: Fisheries management of the Wuikinuxv bear-salmon-human system guided by n̓àn̓akila and…
Guided by the Wuikinuxv principle of n̓àn̓akila (to keep an eye on something or someone; a protector or guardian), a new study shows how fisheries managers can allocate salmon for wildlife…
New paper from @ClaytonTLamb and West Moberly + Saulteau First Nations co-authors on bringing back Klinse-Za mountain caribou from brink of extirpation. Link
Ancient DNA Boom Underlines a Need for Ethical Frameworks
The field of ancient DNA, which combines archaeology and anthropology with cutting-edge genetics, is requiring scientists to have frank conversations about when research is justified and who it…
I am so happy to have been able to connect @AAFC_Canada
research scientist Mehdi Sharifi with

students who helped get

Westbank FN Indigenous food growing in Summerland! A great step towards decolonization for this federal facility 
First federal Indigenous demonstration garden opens in B.C.’s Okanagan | CBC News
A federal agricultural research centre in Summerland, B.C., has opened its first Indigenous garden, a project aimed revitalizing food plants that are traditional to local Indigenous communities like…

Short Story: Animals for a Better World

mixed bathing cats and dogsThe warm summer sun hung silently over the huge grassy meadow where a  very large gathering of animals discussed various worldly issues in many languages. Great Lion surveyed the assembly. Most of the delegates were there. A few had refused to attend, and others had become extinct since the last summit. However, he recognized most of the old faces as friends and allies. It seemed like years since he had seen some of them, ten years to be exact. The United Society of Animals for a Better World met only once a decade, because it was so difficult to gather a representative from each species.

Dozens of the earth’s most intelligent species had spent months compiling the seating arrangement. Cat and Mouse no longer sat near each other after the last meeting’s incident. The thoughtful lion recalled the funeral, and what a poignant ceremony it had been. The new mouse was not permitted to sit by Elephant either; she would have to sit by the microphone, near the insects in order to be heard.

Lion scanned the long agenda before him. They would be discussing some very heated issues, and he estimated that the debates would last well over a week. “I hereby call this meeting to order,” he roared. He had everyone’s undivided attention, save for a few multi­visioned insects and reptiles. “The first topic on the agenda is the housing problem in South America. I believe Macaw has a report on that.”

The brightly plumed parrot tipped his head and shuffled through numerous important-looking documents. “Aauk! Yes I have,” the distinguished bird began, “the housing problem in South America has gotten considerably worse, particularly in the rain forests. Our homes are savagely burned daily; whole species are dying out as I stand before you. The cause of all this destruction has been pinpoi … ”

All this time Lion heard the faint sound of chewing. It was slowly growing louder, and it was beginning to distract some of the less focused delegates. He scanned through the throng of animals. “Stop that immediately!” he roared. Embarrassed, the young blacktail deer paused, his mouth agape with a succulent corner of leaf hanging from it. “What rule do we have about eating while the discussions are in session?” the lion growled, showing his teeth.

“It’s only a little cabbage,” the nervous buck stuttered.

“Listen,” Lion sighed patiently. It seemed that he always had to
bring this up, “If we allow the herbivores to eat, we have to let everyone eat, including the carnivores.” The deer glanced at the bear and the leopard beside him and mumbled an apology.

“Ahem.” The now slightly displeased parrot cleared his throat as loudly as possible. “The cause of all this mindless death is the humans. They are burning our homes and killing millions. They destroy entire species without a second thought. Of course, killing is natural to many species, but only to survive. There seems no point in their wiping out everything.”

“Apparently,” Lion said, “this is going to overlap the other issues concerning the humans. It will be taken up again at a later date. I suggest that we move on to the next order of business.”

As the days passed, laws were approved and committees were formed. Lists of newly evolved and recently extinct species were read. Finally, the last day of assembly arrived. There was only one area of discussion left, but it was one that caused much tension among the delegates: The humans. “It was decided that at the end of our last decade’s meeting that,” Lion said, trying to enter the touchy subject as delicately as possible, “we should continue our attempts to reduce the human population. Our main plan of action has been studied by our Diseasing Committee. They have a report.”

A large swarm of flying, buzzing, and biting insects approached the microphone. They squeaked and wheezed various phrases with enough effort to make their report coherent. “We … we … have attempted to in … inject many diseases into … to the human environment. Un … unfortunately, they spread slow … ly. The humans are somehow avoiding … and even eradicating the diseases. We suggest a continuation of our program … for another decade,” and with that the committee flew back to their places.

“I say,” Garter Snake hissed, “I say we attack ’em in their sleep!” Garter snakes are a rather pitiful species of snakes, but they like to sound tough.

“I think we should leave them alone,” Dachshund yipped.

“That’s because you live with one,” Zebra rebuked.

“That has nothing to do with it,” stated the diminutive dog, trying to hide her dog tag. At that very moment, her owner was wondering what had happened to his poor pooch. Never would he have guessed that his prize-winning dachshund was arguing in favor of the human race.

“I agree that something has to be done about those humans,” Elephant remarked, “but I think that total extinction is not what we are looking for.”

Suddenly, Yak exclaimed, “Banishment!”

“Where to?” Ground Squirrel asked.

“To the deepest, darkest corner of a bottomless pit where every one of their wretched souls are eternally trapped,” Cockroach spat, followed by a crazed laugh. Cockroaches are a bit odd.

“That won’t work,” Sparrow chirped.

“Well, I guess we’ll just have to go with my idea,” the garter snake commented, sounding very self-satisfied.

“So!” the animals chorused, “They must be destroyed! They must be wiped out!” Animals clucked, screeched, growled and roared their agreement that the humans should be done away with.

Suddenly, Lion realized that he was authorizing the almost pointless  destruction of an entire species. He quickly regained control of the assembly with a loud roar. The delegates sat in a stunned silence as he revealed his startling discovery. The lion went on, “I say we continue our previous plan of action for another decade. All those in favor say ‘Aye.'” The animals, still shocked with what they had proposed, mumbled aye. “Meeting adjourned,” concluded Lion.

The tiring days of debating were over. The animals had not accomplished as much as they had hoped, but they learned something about each other. Of course, with the way that an animal’s mind works, the controversial topics would soon be forgotten by the next decade, and there would be many new problems to discuss.

A short story that I wrote in Grade 11. First published in The Environment: exploring fiction, poetry, and non-fiction (1995, Harcourt Brace & Company) 

Martine Rothblatt’s couplet

Shared with #UVicGrad 2019 at the November 13 convocation ceremony

  1. Breathe curiosity – We have nothing but curiosity to lead us into the future
  2. Question authority – There is no “Impossible”, there is only “I’m possible”
  3. Do practically – work to convert your ideas into something practical. Every project can be divided into slices
  4. Act lovingly – Feel yourself as part of the fabric of life

10 Days on Kauai: What to do on the Garden Island (with kids)

Having enjoyed our Spring Break on the Big Island in 2017,  we were determined to trade in the west coast rain and wind one more time for a dose of tropical sun and sand.

We booked our flights to Kauai in August and then my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. We decided to carry on with our plan to find our tropical paradise.

Once again, we loaded up the kids’ iPads with games to keep them busy on the 6-hour evening flight.

Kauai is the second Hawaiian island for my family and we were excited to explore.

We spent 10 days on Kauai and we took a very chilled-out island-life pace to our activities. I believe we found some of the best family-friendly adventures that Kauai has to offer.

If you’re planning a trip to Kauai, below are my recommendations on what to do with your young family and where to eat on the Garden Island:

Day 1: Wednesday

Poipu beach & Pool

We stayed at the Parrish Collection Regency at Poipu. We woke up early and headed to the nearby Living Foods Market for some breakfast essentials like a gorgeous white pineapple, some cute apple bananas and some fresh roasted coffee.

We kids walked down to Poipu Beach Park, about 10 min away, and saw a pod of dolphins playing.  Our condo was stocked with beach chairs and an umbrella, so we planned to return later on.

We spent the rest of our first day lounging by the one of the resort’s pools, rehydrating with cold drinks, and nursing jet lag. There were two family pool areas, one just steps from our condo that was a good size, but chilly.

We picked up more groceries from the Koloa Big Save Market including pretty much every packaged item that mentioned it was Hawaiian – Maui onion chips, Kauai Plantation rum punch, cases of delicious Kona Brewing Co. and Maui brewing beer, Hawaiian BBQ sauce.

Day 2: Thursday

Poipu beach, Brennekes, Glass beach, Port Allen, Kauai Kookie Co, Kauai Coffee, Fire Show

We headed back to Poipu Beach for the morning to play in the waves before the tropical sun got too hot and high. We were so lucky to have some turtles swim right onto the beach. We cooled off with shave ice from Brennekes and then headed back to the townhouse.

After lunch back at our townhouse, we hopped in the car and headed west to Glass Beach and Port Allen.  Glass Beach is at the end of the road that used to lead to a municipal dump, so we had to pass through a relatively industrial area in order to get to the parking area. Just over the bluff, there were two endangered ring seals that had hauled out for a rest. Glass Beach also has some black sand at the westermost end.

We explored the small shops in Port Allen and watched folks who had signed up to do boat tours glug their dramamine.  We had a snack at the most western brewery in the world and we enjoyed a flight. The brewery sold these giant cans instead of growlers (a crowler?) so we picked up a couple to enjoy later. IPAs have made it to Kauai, but they didn’t have a single sour on their menu!

The road to Port Allen goes right past Kauai Coffee Co. So we stopped in for a self-guided tour and a tasting. We also picked up 4 lbs to enjoy at home.

After dinner, we walked towards the Poipu Hyatt where there was an incredible fire show. We watched from the public walkway and were wowed by the grace and strength of the dancers as their poi reflected in the koi ponds and swimming pools of this incredible hotel.

We watched the full moon rise over Shipwreck Beach and then headed back up the hill to the townhouse.

Day 3: Friday

Waimeia Canyon and Salt Ponds

This was our last day on the south part of Kauai. We took one last walk down to Poipu Beach and then packed up and headed back

Day 4: Saturday

Hanalei and Princeville

Surfing the North Shore.

Day 5: Sunday

Kilauea, Sushi

Day 6: Monday

Day 7: Tuesday


Day 8: Wednesday

Hanalei, Fancy Dinner

Day 9: Thurday

Anini beach, rainstorms and so many turtles!


What to Do on Kauai:

  • Brenneke’s beach
  • Surf Hanalei
  • Shopping in Hanalei, Princeville and Kapa’a
  • Waimea Canyon and Falls
  • Tubing
  • Kauai Coffee
  • Snorkeling – Poipu Beach, Salt Ponds, Anini Beach

Where to Eat on Kauai:

  • Kauai Juice Co
  • Koloa fish market
  • Big Save (?)
  • Princeville Resort
  • Shave Ice

Not the Mayo Clinic guide to death by pancreatic cancer

I am writing this down because the month of October was a tragedy of proportions that I do not want to ever repeat or revisit.

My Dad was frustrated with by the dearth of descriptions for what happens to people who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I hope that this countdown will help answer questions that others out there facing this diagnosis may have.

A couple of days after my Mom’s 71st birthday, my parents left Victoria for a cycling holiday in France. I am so fortunate to have parents who are healthy and active and able to travel.

I kept track of their adventure on Facebook as my Mom never managed to update her email contacts after I changed my address a couple of years ago. They were enjoying all of the food, wine and culture that the city of lights and the surrounding countryside had to offer.

32 Days

For me, the nightmare started with an email from my Dad. I was getting coffee with friends when I read this:

Immediately in shock, I stood there dumb, showing my friends the message until one of them herded me into the sun outside and then back to my office. The ride home felt surreal as my legs had lost all their power and I couldn’t catch my breath even though I was going so slowly. I probably looked drunk.

Once I got home, I texted my aunt who was in dialysis to tell her to check her email. She called me as soon as she knew and we decided to meet at her house.  My other aunt and uncle were already there when I arrived and we hung out like zombies until it was clear that we had done all for each other that we could do.

31 Days

I headed out to the airport hours early to pick my parents up. The waiting was awful because I didn’t know how to expect my Mom.

Relief flooded into every cell of my being as my parents glided through the arrivals gate – they looked the same! My Mom’s always been a very fast walker and I felt my own stress ratchet back step by step as I chased after her across the airport.

The next couple of days passed normally as I gave my parents space to get over their jet lag and my Mom waited to hear back about the results from her blood tests.

28 Days

We invited my parents over for Friday night pizza and made plans for my daughter to come over after school the following week to work on a craft project. Here’s the last text she sent me nagging me to pick up the right type of card stock:

I look back fondly on this week as the brief period that my Mom “just” had cancer.

24 Days

My Mom was asked to return to the hospital for a needle biopsy on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

23 Days

When we went over on Wednesday evening to start the craft, my Dad met us at the door to say that Mom had been throwing up all day possibly due to some of the pain medication and that her family doctor was doing a house call.

The dread pressed down heavily as we worked in my Mom’s studio without her there but surrounded by her presence. I tried to put on a brave face for my daughter, but there’s no way she missed it.

22 Days

Shaken up from Wednesday, I avoided my parent’s house in the morning, but decided to go over at lunch. Witnessing the toll that whatever had happened on Wednesday took out of my Mom turned me into a useless worker drone that afternoon.

I would need to find a better time of day to visit. It was clear that I would need to see my Mom every day from now on, but I wasn’t sure how to fit this into my children and work-filled day.

21 Days

My Dad had been invited out on Friday night, so I ordered White Spot and headed over to their house with my box of yam fries.

I found my Mom cocooned on the couch in my Dad’s office, where she’d been since Wednesday. She was lying on her side wrapped in quilts she had made and sat up when I joined her. Her eyes were blinking out-of-sync like a baby owl and her proprioception was way off – she couldn’t itch her nose or get the straw to her mouth.

She showed me the needle biopsy bruise as well as the bruise on her mid-back – a harbinger of what was coming down on us if any of us (including her family doctor) had known what to look for.

I also noticed that she had a lot of other small bruises the size of dimes on her arms as legs as well as pinprick hematomas under her nails. I’m sure I’ve read somewhere that both are signs of serious health problems and I wondered how long that they had been there.

Mom had an MRI booked at the hospital that was about 30 min away, so I stayed with her until the medi-van came to whisk her away. I spent the evening axe throwing to celebrate a friend quitting her job. Never was there a more perfect time to be throwing sharp objects!

19 Days

A ray of light shone, as it was the day that we had planned to make the bulk of the crafts for my daughter’s school project. We picked up her best friend and crowded into my Mom’s studio.

My Mom joined the girls and directed the production line from under a pile of quilts in her rocking chair. I shared tea with my Dad and when I checked in, they were singing Guiding songs together as they worked. It was absolute magic.

I noticed my mom’s dexterity was making her fumble as she prepped the card stock for stamping, but it was so subtle that the kids didn’t notice anything was off.

18 Days

I played the part of the peanut gallery while my parents met with the doctor who carries out medically-assisted death in Victoria. A two hour meeting, with about an hour spent assessing my Mom. She did about as well as I would with spelling things backwards and counting up and down by multiples. The doctor had her draw a clock face which is something that I had read about in ‘Brain on Fire’. This was difficult for her, and even though it was hard to sit quietly while the testing went on, I was relieved to see that the cancer was leaving her mental capacity alone even as it ravaged her physical being.

I returned to work that afternoon in the strangest head space having just met the person who would potentially be ending my Mom’s life.

I think this is the day that my parents got the official results of the liver biopsy – a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer with metastasis to the liver.

16 Days

Having decided that the most effective as far as being helpful/ least upsetting time of day for me to visit was after dropping off my youngest daughter at school, I headed over to my parents.

My dad texted a heads up that my Mom had lost mobility on one side of her body and that I would need to be prepared to help her even more that I had to get her ready for the day.

13 Days

Friends delivered pumpkins

10 Days

I got a text from my Dad in the middle of the night letting me know that he had called an ambulance and that my Mom was in emergency. I told him to try and get some sleep and that I’d head over there as soon as I was able.

I held my Mom’s hand as we waited. She was in so much distress -overheating and clammy and felt like she had an elephant sitting on her chest. My Dad arrived as we waited in a hallway to have a CT scan that would diagnose a clot in her carotid artery. This is probably what had be causing the stroke-like symptoms.

9 Days

Mom spent the night in emergency and received Plaxil, a type of anti-clotting agent that stops clots from forming. Her condition was too fragile for her to receive the other type of anti-clotting drug that could break up the clots that had already formed.

Mom moved into a bed in Hospice, which I immediately started referring to as “The Hotel” because it’s more like home than a hospital.

8 Days

I visited my mom after dropping my daughter off at school. We were both so sad and absolutely not ready to say goodbye.

She said “I met your friends” which I chalked up to the effects of the many drugs she was taking. But then I learned that I have three (!!!) friends who work at Hospice. One of whom kindly gave the grief counselor a heads-up that we would be returning the next day with our kids. Much respect to their work! 

I called a nurse to help her go to the bathroom because I was afraid that I would drop her and she would bleed out internally because of the Plaxil. Mom was being encouraged to drink massive quantities of the same laxative that my cat uses.

7 Days

My girls stayed home from school so we could all go visit Grammy. We showed up way too early and had to wait in the lounge while the nurses helped her wake up. There were some great puzzles that the kids didn’t want to leave.

My Mom’s family doctor got the whole family together to get us all on the same page. He patiently answered all of our questions and made it clear that there was a big risk of blood clots causing more stroke symptoms and my Mom could lose her ability to consent to a medically assisted death.

6 Days

I was heading out the door to Hospice when both girls asked to come along. As they put their shoes on, I marveled at how comfortable Hospice must have felt that they wanted to return.

My daughter’s 11th birthday party. Gratitude for the foresight that we had planned a low, low-key party. 12 girls, pizza, Netflix.

5 Days

Dad noticed Mom’s left foot was not a normal colour. I had the great idea that I wanted to get my Mom to read one of those books you can get at Hallmark so that we would always be able to hear her voice.

4 Days

My daughter’s 11th birthday. Last time complaining to my Mom about family drama. Mom looked quite jaundiced when I came into her room. Her leg was quite painful

3 Days

Mom started a Fentanyl pump and adult diapers.

2 Days

Halloween. As the kids headed down the street to trick-or-treat at neighbours that live close to my parents, my Dad let me know that they had picked a date two days out for my Mom’s death. 9 pounds of candy collected. Heart pumping backyard fireworks.

Dad requested that my sister and I figure out some kind of ceremony for the death. We had an extremely dissatisfying conversation where nothing we came up with seemed right. How could it?

After we got of the phone, I jotted some notes and texted them to her. This became basically what we did.

1 Day

We let the girls know that this would be their last visit with Grammy. We took a little while to let them figure out how they wanted to say goodbye. My little made a book about a horse that was mistreated and then finally made a friend with a cat. They escaped to freedom together.

My eldest chose to sign “Riptide” which was how my Mom’s ukulele band always closed out their shows. She’s got a great voice and we all balled hopelessly as she sang.

My husband took a photo of me cuddling with my Mom in her Hospice bed and it wasn’t until I saw the image on his phone that I realized how frail she looked.

Event Horizon

The Day of the Dead.

Things my kids have said that have broken my heart:

  • I’ll never get to go to France with Grammy
  • Be gentle with me – I’m so sad right now
  • I makes me too sad to talk about it (leaves room)
  • My eyes just start watering for no reason

Things that I’m trying not to regret but are haunting me daily

  • I was always annoyed that my Mom left me voicemails instead of texting. Where it would have been so simple to save just one, I deleted them all.
  • There was just no time. Mom started fentanyl the day I realized that I wanted to get a recording of her reading a book to my kids
  • Two women my age who are leaders in the community called my Mom their mentor. What the heck was I missing?

Things I’m grateful for

  • That we let the relationship between my children and their grandparents grow organically
  • That my Mom was a prolific maker. I sleep under a quilt she made and her handiwork is all over the house.
  • That my Dad is a popular guy – he has a big, strong friends network that can help support him while he figures out what it looks like to have the house to himself
  • That my family all lives so close by
  • That my sister is on maternity leave so she can give me a hug on my lunch break
  • My perfect little lap dog
  • My husband who was able to intercept some of the drama and diffuse the intensity when I couldn’t even

Links to resources


UVic Speaker’s Bureau

Through the UVic Speakers Bureau, I volunteer to speak to community groups, schools, clubs and other organizations throughout Greater Victoria and southern Vancouver Island.

The topics that I put forward this year that I think will appeal to audiences ranging from middle school to seniors are:

Becoming a Competent Digital Citizen

Digital citizenship goes beyond simply using the internet.

Technology needs to be used to create, share, tag, comment and contribute to the online world in positive ways to leave a digital footprint that you can live with.

I will  show you the elements of digital citizenship and how you can be a good digital citizen.


  • Silver Threads Saanich, September 2018

Shooting Videos for Social Media on Your Phone

Wondering how to film and edit awesome short videos to use on social media?

Learn why short videos work and how to create a hook that captures your viewers’ attention.

You’ll also discover tips for lighting and editing your videos.


  • Spectrum High School, September 2018

Crafting Your Elevator Pitch

Take a step-by-step approach to building your own elevator pitch that you can use to introduce yourself in a professional setting.

Learn how to describe who you are, what you can do, why you are doing it and what your goals are.

The Non-linear Career Path

While I started out in the sciences, she made a series of career hops to land in the online communications field.

Follow along my career journey to learn how she figured out how to get paid to do something she loves.

Book me to speak to your community group, school, club, or other Greater Victoria organization from September to April—for free!


Shooting videos for social media on your phone

The Office of Student Life invited me to meet with a group of student bloggers who are keen to start storytelling using video. I ran through my top tips and I hope that they will be able to put the put tips to use making their blog engaging and informative!

Useful Apps

This list was provided by the UVic video coordinator:

  • Cinematography – Flixel, Cinemagraph
  • Special Effects – Super Power FX, Efexio
  • GIFs – Boomerang
  • Timelapse – Filmic Pro
  • Stop motion – Stop Motion Studio
  • Whiteboard animation – VideoScribe (useful to explain more complex topics)


  • Plan before you shoot: get a handle on the story you are going to tell, the locations you will use, your power supply, editing and accessories you will need
  • If you are interviewing subjects, make sure you have high quality sound by using a Rode mic or Lav mic
  • Keep each clip to under 15s
  • Keep your camera oriental horizontally
  • Use a tripod and image stabilization software
  • Don’t zoom in
  • Keep videos for Facebook and Instagram under 30s
  • Keep accessibility in mind: If people are speaking, turn on closed captions in YouTube; if you have captions, add these into the CC file in YouTube
  • You can use the YouTube captions to generate an .srt file and then use this as your subtitle file if you’re posting to Facebook
  • The libraries have lots of AV equipment for students to borrow like microphones and tripods

Editing your video

  1. Import clips
  2. Order the clips
  3. Add text
  4.  Trim clips
  5. Add music (make sure it’s under the creative commons license or Youtube will lay adds over your video).
  6. Export as an MP4 file for upload to social media

Useful links


7 Days in Hawaii: What to do on the Big Island (with kids)


Palm trees Hawaii

To celebrate landmark birthdays my parents had a bucket list item that involved getting the entire family to trade in the west coast rain and wind for tropical sun and sand.

We booked our flights to Hawai’i in November and then started to cross the days off our calendar. Victoria was experiencing the coldest winter it had seen in decades, and we left the our island still locked in the grips of winter with no signs of Spring in sight.

Prior to this trip, the longest flight my kids had been on was to Prince George in the northern reaches of BC so we loaded up their iPads with games to keep them busy on the 6-hour evening flight.

I had never been to any Hawaiian islands so I was excited to explore the Big Island of Hawai’i. I made a private Facebook group and added my family members so we could spend the weeks leading up to the vacation researching things to do, restaurants, beaches, etc.

We spent a week on the Big Island and we crammed a lot into those seven days. I believe we found some of the best family-friendly adventures the Big Island has to offer, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

If you’re planning a trip to Hawai’i, below are my recommendations on what to do with your young family and where to eat on the Big Island:

Day 1: Saturday

Pool & Family Dinner

We stayed at the Wyndham Royal Sea Cliff Resort in Kailua-Kona and spent the first day of our trip lounging by the hotel’s oceanfront pool, rehydrating with cold drinks, and nursing jet lag. The family pool area was large and featured numerous lounge chairs and a shady lanai facing the ocean.

Wyndham Royal Sea Cliff pool

We picked up some groceries from the local KTA including pretty much every packaged item that mentioned it was Hawaiian – Maui onion chips, Mai Tai mix and rum, cases of delicious Kona Brewing Co. beer, Hawaiian BBQ sauce, $1 pineapple, and avocados three times the size of the ones we get in Canada.

Day 2: Sunday

Papakōlea Green Sand Beach and South Point

After a relaxing day at the resort, we left the kids by the pool with Grammy and Granpa and set out in search of the southernmost point in the US and one of the only green sand beaches on earth.

After a 1.5 hr drive, we parked at South Point where there were people fishing and cliff diving and then hiked along the shore past ancient heiau dedicated to fishing as well as Hawiians camping and fishing.

Papakōlea green sand beach was not easy to reach. We walked for over an hour, never really sure we were following the right track, and while we tried to be prepared, we could have taken more water.

South Point Hawaii

Located in a bay that cuts into a side of a cinder cone, the green sand is made up of small pieces of olivine. Its remoteness should have guaranteed that the beach was empty, but this was the first Sunday of Spring Break for Hawaiians too, so we joined the crowds for a swim in this unforgettable landscape.

Green sand beach Hawaii

On our return hike, we stuck to the track nearest the cattle fence. This track led us on a more direct route across the sands to a different parking lot that would have cut our hiking distance down considerably had we started out from it.

Day 3: Monday

Old Airport Beach Park and Hapuna Beach

After our strenuous hiking day, we set out in search of some more kid-friendly beaches. We started on Old Kona Airport Beach Park, due to its close proximity to Kona. While the beach was only a 10-minute drive from downtown Kona, we had it almost to ourselves.

Old Kona Airport Beach Hawaii

There was a fairly protected keiki pool that the kids happily splashed around in, but deeper out, the waves were pretty big and powerful, so we packed up headed 45 minutes up the Kohala (“whale”) coast to the beautiful Hapuna beach.

Hapuna beach is often voted among the best beaches in the world, and is a long white sand beach. There was an offshore wind and a strong shore break so the lifeguards were on high alert. After getting tumbled around, we moved into the shade of the trees for a break from the sun. We then drove back to Kona and had dinner on the communal BBQs at the poolside.

Day 4: Tuesday

Black Sands Beach, Volcanoes and Hilo

This was one of my favorite days on the island. We woke up early and set out to explore the island. We made our way around the south tip of the island to the Punalu’u Black Sand Beach, about a 2 hour drive from Kona. Punalu’u is famous as a turtle nesting area.

The turtles made this experience. There were a number of turtles floating in the surf right at the water’s egde. The turtles would come close enough to touch (but we didn’t touch them, just observed). This was definitely a highlight of the trip!

The sand on all black sand beaches on Hawaii is made out of tiny fragments of lava. When hot lava enters the water it cools down so suddenly that it solidifies, shatters, and creates and entire black sand beach.

Despite the crowds, we found a picnic table for lunch that overlooked a beautiful lagoon covered with lily pads. As we ate, we fended off a hungry couple of native Hawaiian geese called nenes.

We headed into Volcanoes National Park for a few hours of hiking and sightseeing. We started at the visitor center and talked to the park rangers about where to go. We parked in the almost empty lot in between the steam vents and the Jaggar Museum. We walked up the the rim of the crater to watch the roiling lava.

Volcanoes National Park

We then headed further up a short paved trail to the museum and found the landscape tinseled with Pele’s hair, small threadlike lava that glistened like spiderwebs. We were able to watch the volcano through a telescope at the museum.

Pele hair Hawaii

Then we headed down the Devastation Trail for about one km over cinders from the 1959 eruption of Kīlauea Iki. This beautiful short hike led us along the rim of the caldera through shady volcano rainforest to the Thurston Lava Tube.

Tree Fern Volcanic Rainforest Hawaii

By the time we reached Hilo, it was just after 2pm and we were famished! We were on a mission to find food. Using Zomato, I found a place called Cafe 100 that had solid reviews and – more importantly – about 10 varieties of Loco Moco.

When we had recharged our bellies, we headed up to Rainbow Falls for a couple of photos and then continue up Kaumana Drive to the Boiling Pots. The similarity to the Sooke Potholes on Vancouver Island was striking.

Day 5: Wednesday

Kahaluʻu Bay

Kahaluʻu Bay is a great place for newbie snorkelers like us. The easily accessible, sheltered, and shallow bay with plenty of tide pools to explore that are teeming with tropical fish.

Yelp’s #1 place to eat in the US is Da Poke Shack and we were lucky enough to find it a 5-min drive from our resort. Poke is raw tuna with traditional seasonings. We picked up poke plates and gorged ourselves.

My sister and her family were heading home on Friday, so we needed to find a restaurant for dinner that could handle our big group, the kids, and our dietary needs. Open since 2004, Jackie Rey’s Ohana Grill had a colourful casual island vibe. The catch of the day was swordfish and this was probably the best fish I’ve ever had in my life. Coming from a west coaster who knows why you’d pick sockeye over chum and halibut over cod, this says a lot.

Day 6: Thursday

Greenwell Coffee Farm, Place of Refuge and Two Step Beach

We kicked the day off with breakfast in Kona at Daylight Mind Coffee Company, which I cannot recommend highly enough. Though most of the nearby restaurants were crowded, Daylight Mind was tucked behind several shops, slightly off the main street, this hidden location seemed to deter most crowds. We even scored a table on the balcony overlooking the the bay and the long distance swimmers training for the Ironman. I had the avocado smash benny and it was delicious.

After breakfast we had the opportunity to make our own leis with fragrant plumeria flowers on the resort’s pool deck.



We then headed to the historic Greenwell Coffee Farm for a walking tour of coffee fields and processing facilities. We enjoyed a coffee tasting and our girls were overjoyed to spot the famous chameleon Carl in his orange tree.

Chameleon Carl Greenwell Coffee

Next, we continued south to the city of refuge, Pu’uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park, to learn about the ancient Hawaiian culture and finish up with some snorkeling at Two Step Beach.

Ti carvings Hawaii

Day 7: Friday

Market Day, BBQ

We kicked our last day in Kona off with a splash in the pool and then visited the nearby market for a few gifts and then picked up some snacks for the plane at the KTA and the enjoyed one last shaved ice. We filled up TJ’s BBQ burgers for dinner before our red-eye flight home.


What to Do on Hawaii’s Big Island:

  • Hike to Green Sand Beach Hike
  • Old Kona Airport Beach Park
  • Hapuna Beach
  • Black Sand Beach
  • Volcanoes National Park
  • Place of Refuge
  • Rainbow Falls
  • Greenwell Coffee
  • Snorkeling – Kahaluʻu Bay  and Two Step Beach

Where to Eat on Hawaii’s Big Island:

  • Daylight Mind Coffee Company
  • Cafe 100
  • Kona Brewing Co. (tried to get here for dinner)
  • Jackie Rey’s Ohana Grill
  • KTA Groceries
  • TJ’s BBQ
  • Shave Ice

South Point Hawaii

Defining and showcasing your brand with a side order of social media

Here’s my cheat sheet to get to started building your online community. Use these tips and resources to grow your online presence.

Getting to know your own brand

You can’t promote what you don’t know.

  • Answer your “Big Why” in 4 words. Yes this is shorter than a mission statement, but you can do it! Now start signing your email with it!
  • What are your core values? Reflect on peak experiences that hit you emotionally.
  • Who is your hero? Who is your tribe? Tell a story about one of your heroes – this is your hook

My preferred methods of growing an audience: IRL, SM, content marketing (blog with sign up button at the end, guest posts, Q&A with segment leaders), email

  • Speak to people already following using the mom test

Your website

  • The sign up button: newsletter sign up, auto login after sign up
  • Send a personal email w/in 24 hrs asking why they signed up
  • Ask: What’s the main benefit of our product to you? If our product went away tomorrow, how disappointed would you be?
  • Once 40% are “very disappointed, it’s time to grow!

UX tools



Social Media


  • quick 150 WD bio, direct CTA w memorable URL that opens to unique high value landing page (promo code)
  • only talk to ideal user
  • reply & flood #
  • Audisense to find audience
  • to make memes
  • hootsuite to schedule posts

Your FB group

  • Get your group going by inviting engaged FB page users and newletter subscribers to join
  • Posts to a group always show up in people’s feed
  • Paid ads need a custom audience, find it with
  • Fanpage.karma lets you track the competition’s FB page


  •  Send tweets when audisense bttt tells you to
  • Copy followers with tweepi
  • Build hootsuite searches on your audience themes
  • RT compliments
  • Tweet the same thing 5x/day
  • tweet anatomy: picture, link, CTA
  • tweet lots 10-50x/day

Tumblr – youth oriented, only go here if your audience is here

Pinterest – if you blog about beautiful things, audience is female 30+, remove any pin not repinned 6x in 48 hrs

Reddit – search for your niche, post in 10 subreddits

Snapchat – v. important if your company = your personal brand

Community mgmt

  • Not on Sunday night
  • Use hootsuite
  • Shorten links using bitly or to track what works/doesn’t work