Shooting videos for social media on your phone

The Office of Student Life invited me to meet with a group of student bloggers who are keen to start storytelling using video. I ran through my top tips and I hope that they will be able to put the put tips to use making their blog engaging and informative!

Useful Apps

This list was provided by the UVic video coordinator:

  • Cinematography – Flixel, Cinemagraph
  • Special Effects – Super Power FX, Efexio
  • GIFs – Boomerang
  • Timelapse – Filmic Pro
  • Stop motion – Stop Motion Studio
  • Whiteboard animation – VideoScribe (useful to explain more complex topics)


  • Plan before you shoot: get a handle on the story you are going to tell, the locations you will use, your power supply, editing and accessories you will need
  • If you are interviewing subjects, make sure you have high quality sound by using a Rode mic or Lav mic
  • Keep each clip to under 15s
  • Keep your camera oriental horizontally
  • Use a tripod and image stabilization software
  • Don’t zoom in
  • Keep videos for Facebook and Instagram under 30s
  • Keep accessibility in mind: If people are speaking, turn on closed captions in YouTube; if you have captions, add these into the CC file in YouTube
  • You can use the YouTube captions to generate an .srt file and then use this as your subtitle file if you’re posting to Facebook
  • The libraries have lots of AV equipment for students to borrow like microphones and tripods

Editing your video

  1. Import clips
  2. Order the clips
  3. Add text
  4.  Trim clips
  5. Add music (make sure it’s under the creative commons license or Youtube will lay adds over your video).
  6. Export as an MP4 file for upload to social media

Useful links