5 free tools for social community management and growth

Here’s a list of my favourite free social media tools of the moment. I use these tools in addition to Hootsuite.

Here are my tools, what I think their most useful features are and how often I check in:

  1. Crowdfire – Currently my favourite tool because of their recently updated Android app that perscribes actions once a day to increase engagement on Twitter and Instagram.
  2. Tweepi – Find Twitter followers from interesting accounts so you can follow them too. Many search metrics and filters to narrow your target. I log in to this page once a month and then watch my followers climb.
  3. Audisense – Analysis of Twitter follows/followers for any account. Learn basic characteristics such as location, demographics, and online activity by the hour, and the always useful Best Time to Tweet report that uses a
  4. Commun.it – Follow Friday helpers, shows who your biggest new followers and most engaged followers are. Very spammy auto-DM.
  5. Meshfire – uses AI to suggest new followers and possible posts. The mobile app is buggy on Android.

Want to see how I set up my Hootsuite Dashboard? Go here.