Want to lose weight?

Just eat like a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes!

  • 64 ounces of water per day
  • 3 meals/3 snacks a day


  • no corn syrup or high fructose
  • no bagels
  • no fruit juices (only use a small amount of milk to bring up any low blood sugars)
  • no mayonnaise (only light or Naonaise-soy based)
  • no butter (use Smart Balance or small amount of olive oil)
  • NO CHINESE FOOD, not even steamed w/sauce on side.


  • winter squash(acorn), corn and peas are counted as starches-substitute for rice, potatoes or pasta
  • can use soy creamer
  • can use low fat yogurt (no more than 10 grams of sugar)
  • only low fat cheeses
  • eggs-2 per week if no cholesterol problems-can use 1/2 cup Egg Beaters instead of whole eggs


  • Agave (doesn’t raise blood sugar) in baking use 1/2 cup to 1 cup of regular sugar
  • Stevia (in Health Food store)
  • Splenda ( 1 packet a day only)


  • no more than 80-90 calories per slice with 2 grams of fiber and 1 gram sugarĀ  (if whole wheat-needs to say 100% whole wheat in ingredient list & no corn syrup or high fructose)
  • NO wraps unless “low carb” (150 calories max & 30 grams carbs with less than 3 grams sugar and with 3-4 grams fiber per wrap)
  • cereal-no more than 6 grams of sugar per serving-no more than 120 calories per serving-no corn syrup or high fructose (ex: 3/4 cup Natures Path Flax Plus, 1 cup Kashi Heart to Heart, 1 cup Kashi Go Lean (plain) )
  • pasta-whole grain (Barilla Plus is good)
  • Frozen entrees- only Lean Cuisine Spa meals (no beef) (30 grams or less of carbs) or Kashi frozen meals
  • Can have 2 slices thin crust pizza (no pepperoni) once per month & one small spoonful of your favorite dessert once per month


  • no more then 10 grams of carbs and have a protein
  • suggest 1/2 whole wheat English muffin, 1 slice light whole wheat toast, or 1/4 cup oatmeal (non presweetened)
  • suggest 2 tablespoons peanut butter or 1/2 cup cottage cheese or 3 egg whites or 2 slices low fat regular cheese

    AM snack

  • 1 protein and as many veggies as you want- 2 1/2 hours after breakfast
  • suggest 2 Tbsp peanut butter and carrot sticks


  • no more then 30 carbs and protein
  • suggest 2 slices bread or 1 cup brown rice or 2 small red potatoes
    and 4 slices of ham or turkey or chicken or 1 cup cottage cheese or 3 oz tuna and as many veggies as you want

    PM snack

  • 1 fruit and protein 2 1/2 hours after lunch (never eat fruit alone, eat with protein)
  • Suggest 1 piece fruit (or 2 plums, or 2 clementines or 15 cherries or 15 grapes) and 1 string cheese or 2 Tbsp peanut butter or 1 Kashi bar


  • no more than 30 grams carbs and protein 2 1/1 hours after pm snack
  • suggest-1 cup brown rice or 1 small sweetened potato or 2 small red potatoes or 1 cup whole grain pasta or 1 cup corn/peas
  • and 3 oz (size of a deck of cards) chicken or turkey or lean beef (beef 1 time per week only) or 1 small porkchop or 4 oz fish
  • lots of salad and veggies of your choice
  • fruit for dessert (no fruit after 7pm)

    Bedtime snack

  • 15 grams carbs and protein 2 1/2 hours after dinner
  • suggested-1 string cheese or 2 Tbsp peanut butter
  • and 1 Kashi bar or 10 Kashi TLC crackers or 3 cups light popcorn or 1 slice of bread