REACH Special Meeting Topic – Policy and Practice

Held on September 14 and October 12 2021

Policy & Practice
• These meetings will explore relevant policies regarding GSSO information within DHS at multiple levels (local, provincial/territorial, federal).
• These meetings will explore guidelines for information practices (collection, sharing, and use) for clinical and administrative healthcare staff.

Types of questions to be asked:
• What policies should be put in place for collecting each type of data?
• What security policies will be affected by changing the type of data collected?
• What privacy policies will be affected by changing the type of data collected?
• Are additional audit trails needed for those who access and/or share certain data fields?
• How will patients be told about changes in data collection?
• Will data sharing agreements need to be modified?
• What policies need to be implemented regarding sharing of these data?
• Will these changes affect an informed consent process?
• What training is needed for patient contact staff (such as registration, dietary, transport, cleaning, etc.) regarding the collection, sharing or use of these data?
• What training is needed for clinical staff regarding the collection, sharing or use of these data?
• What training is needed for administrative staff regarding the sharing or use of these data?
• How will policy adherence be evaluated?
• How might these changes affect other equity initiatives or policies?


September 14th- Part 1- Meeting Notes and Slide Deck

October 12th- Part 2- Meeting Notes and Slide Deck