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The fraught history of India and the Khalistan movement

The Indian government has warned its citizens living in Canada to exercise “extreme caution” due to a “deteriorating security environment” in the country. The warning came after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Canadian police were investigating...

Update: Changes to Editorial Team

We welcome Yunhui Ye as our new Associate Editor, replacing David Romero Espitia, who is moving on to bigger and better things. A huge thank you, David, from all your Global South colleagues! For submission inquiries, please contact Yunhui at Feng...

Update: Changes to Editorial Team

We welcome David Romero as our new Associate editor, replacing Smith Oduro-Marfo who is moving on to bigger and better things after the completion of his doctoral work. A huge thank you, Smith, from all your Global South colleagues! Meanwhile, I will be handing over...
Expert Q&A on COVID-19 crisis in India

Expert Q&A on COVID-19 crisis in India

After a relatively successful handling of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, India is experiencing record numbers of new cases that have overwhelmed the country’s healthcare system and resulted in significant loss of life. UVic political scientist, Reeta...

Global South: what does it mean and why use the term?

By Marlea Clarke                                         This Blog is called ‘Global South Political Commentaries’, leading, perhaps, to the questions: where and what is the global South, when did this term emerge, who uses the term and why? The answers are not quite...