Hallo alle!
Guess I’m a little late to the game with this post, eh? Would it make it better if I said I have been so busy working and travelling and enjoying life that I haven’t had the time to write a post? Maybe? Okay I’ll take it 🙂
Settling in in Germany has gone relatively smoothly, but I have many other people to thank for that. Â I am constantly amazed every day at how much people do for me to make sure I have an amazing experience. Â And sure, maybe the cashier at Rossman did laugh at me when I didn’t understand what she said, but all my teachers, students, PAD organizers, and family have been beyond helpful in this life altering experience.
The food has especially made this transition easier. Â My parents own a European bakery in Canada so it feels like a little piece of home to me whenever I go into a bakery here. Â Plus I never realized all the different ways you can eat pretzels (Butter pretzels are my new favourite thing!). And the job is awesome! I know this isn’t real life only working three days a week, but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts. Â My teachers are so nice and helpful and the students are so cute. Â Every day I go to work wondering what ridiculous yet adorable question I will be asked that day. Â So far I’ve had “When do you learn how to make igloos?” “Are there a lot of saunas in Canada?” “Do you wear gloves and a hat during the summer cause it’s so cold?” You can see a theme here.
All in all life in Deutschland is grand, sure I sometimes get a craving for a Reese’s Pieces or the urge to see a movie filmed in English actually shown in English, but hey, what is living abroad all about? New experiences, new friends, and new pretzel obsessions.
Am I right?