Global Community

Food Guide

Welcome to the University of Victoria Global Community Food Guide! This guide was initially started by a group of University of Victoria Gustavson School of Business students to help facilitate access to culturally authentic groceries and restaurants in the Victoria area. The guide has since been gifted and passed along to a collection of student groups and staff at UVic and the International Centre for Students. This guide is a growing and evolving project made in partnership with the UVic community. Our goal is to continue to help connect students and members of the Victoria community to a variety of food sources locally in Victoria by information sharing. 

Whether you are looking for a delicious meal that tastes like home, or trying out a new recipe with an ingredient you just can’t seem to find, we hope this resource can help you locate all of Victoria’s bests! 

International Food in Victoria

Discover a world of delicious flavors right here in Victoria! Our city is home to a diverse range of international cuisines, from spicy Indian dishes to savory Italian pasta and everything in between. Whether you’re in the mood for sushi, tacos, or a hearty curry, our curated list of restaurants and ingredients has got you covered.

Use the Google My Maps links to easily find the perfect spot for your next culinary adventure. Explore the global food scene right here in Victoria!”

Food Assistance

In times of rising costs and economic challenges, we understand the importance of ensuring access to nutritious food for all members of our community. That’s why we’ve compiled a guide to food assistance resources available to University of Victoria students. Whether you’re facing financial strain or simply seeking support, our curated list includes information on food banks, community kitchens, and other assistance programs in the Victoria area. Click the link below to access our food assistance map, complete with coordinates to help you find the nearest support services. Let’s work together to ensure that everyone has access to the nourishment they need to thrive.

Contribute your Ideas

If you have favorite restaurants, grocery stores, or food assistance resources that you’d like to share with your fellow students, we’d love to hear from you! Your recommendations and insights can help enrich our guide and ensure it remains a comprehensive resource for the entire UVic community.

About GC Food Guide

Food is an important part of community, culture, and wellbeing. We invite you to share your culinary adventures with your community! Share your favourite recipes or food stories on our website and they could also be featured on our Instagram page @uvicinternational.

Follow us on Instagram @uvicinternational!

Stay connected with the latest updates, global community events, and global content!

Connect with your UVic community by attending Global Community events! Check our event calendar to see all upcoming events and register to attend! 

Events are available to all students (international and domestic), staff, and faculty. Build lasting relationships, foster diverse intercultural connections, and contribute to cultivating an inclusive and globally minded campus.

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