by Viktor Sarnev | Nov 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
Order your Engineering and Computer science jacket now! This year’s jackets will have the ECS logo. Price is $102. Place your order in the ESS office (ELW 206), or through this link. (or QR code in the poster!) Place your order before the end of November 18th,...
by Viktor Sarnev | Oct 19, 2022 | Uncategorized
Hello Future Engineers! Are you an engineering student interested in travelling and networking with engineering students from all over Canada? Developing your leadership and professional development skills? Expanding your horizons? Then the ESS has the opportunity for...
by Viktor Sarnev | Sep 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
Are you a first-year interested in voting for the First Year Rep? Here are this term’s candidates and their personal descriptions and platform descriptions. Voting will take place on September 24th-26th so mark your calendar! Voting
by Malcolm Seyd | Sep 15, 2022 | Uncategorized
Join us in the ELW lobby this Friday at 5pm for a faculty mixer! You can come join in the ELW Lobby to meet some of our amazing teaching staff and mingle with classmates. We will be presenting the ESS teaching award to a deserving winner who has been voted on by the...
by Malcolm Seyd | Sep 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Interested in getting involved in the Engineering and Comp Sci community at UVic? Thursday, September 8th, at 6:30pm is our ESS Semesterly General Meeting. Join us in the ELW lobby (or via Discord) to run for the position of your choice, to vote on specific updates...
by Viktor Sarnev | May 8, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Engineering Evening Excursion (EEE or ‘Triple E’) is a pub crawl hosted by the ESS. The Summer 2022 EEE will take place on May 20th, starting at 4:00PM and leading late into the evening. Tickets are $30 and may be purchased any time from the ESS...