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Hello UVic’s future Engineers!


The ESS is holding a referendum Sunday, July 9th and Monday, July 10th 2023 in order to vote on three changes to the ESS Constitution.


The first change is to amend the society to include and represent Computer Science students. The second change is to redirect some of the funds the ESS receives to go towards a student makerspace. The third is to change the name of the position of Equity Officer to VP Equity.


The full text of the required constitutional changes are found below.


Goal: To allow the ESS to represent Computer Science Students
Whereas: The Computer Science Course Union has been inactive for a number of years, and computer science students lack a society to represent them.
Whereas: Incorporating Computer Science students into the ESS would allow it better serve the students in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
BIRT The ESS Constitution be amended such that every instance of “University of Victoria Engineering Students’ Society” be replaced by “University of Victoria Engineering and Computer Science Students’ Society”, and every instance of “ESS” be replaced by “ECSS”.
BIRT The ESS Constitution be amended such that every instance of “Faculty of Engineering” be replaced by “Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science”
BIFRT Section 2.2: Purpose of the ESS Constitution be amended to read:

“The purposes of the ECSS shall be:

1. To be the single voice of the University of Victoria engineering and computer science undergraduate students, and

2. To promote, direct, sponsor and coordinate activities which will benefit the present and future University of Victoria engineering and computer science undergraduate students”

BIFRT Section 3.1: Regular Members of the ESS Constitution be amended to read:

“A Regular Member is anyone who is:

1. Currently registered with the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science in an engineering or computer science degree program,

2. Currently registered either in at least one course identified as part of the engineering or computer science undergraduate degree program or on a co-op work term with the Engineering Co-op Office or Computer Science Co-op Office, and

3. Paid a membership fee to the ECSS during their last study term, as required by the University of Victoria Board of Governors.”

BIFRT Sub-Section 3.1.1: Rights of the ESS Constitution be amended to read:

A regular member has the right to:

1. One vote during elections and referenda,

2. Submit motions for consideration during referenda,

3. Run for a position on the ESS Council, with the exception of Vice-President External and Vice-President Corporate, which must be held by Engineering students,

4. Attend all events related to an election or referendum.


Goal: To establish funding for an ESS Makerspace
Whereas: The existence of a makerspace with the necessary tools and machines to create personal and club projects would benefit the student body.
Whereas: Even with considerable support from the faculty, the project requires significant funding.
BIRT Section 7.5: Cinkant Endowment Fund of the ESS Constitution be amended, until August 31, 2031 to read:

Section 7.5: Cinkant Endowment Fund and ESS Makerspace

The ESS will commit one third (⅓) of its membership fees to the ESS Makerspace


Goal: To amend the name of Equity Officer
Whereas: The current name of Equity Officer does not fully reflect their importance on Council
BIRT Section 5.1: Positions of the ESS Constitution be amended to read:

“All positions, exempting first year representatives on the Council shall be elected each spring and the term of office shall be from May 1st until April 30th of the following year. Each position shall hold one vote on the Council.

The first year representative shall be elected during the first month of fall term. Their term shall start immediately and end on April 30th.

The Council will consist of the following positions:

1. President

2. Vice-President Communications

3. Vice-President Events

4. Vice-President Equity

4. Vice-President Finance

5. Vice-President Internal

6. Vice-President External

7. Vice-President Student Life

9. Vice-President Corporate Relations

10. 1st Year Representative”


Should either or both referendum questions pass, all necessary ESS Policy Manual changes will be made by the ESS Council prior to the end of their term on April 30th, 2023.


Between 12:00AM on July 9th, 2023 and 11:59PM on July 10th, 2023, you can cast your votes for these changes at


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out by emailing