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Guess what! It’s time to pick the next ESS Council!

Elections for the 2023-2024 ESS Council will be happening from March 7th until March 31st, 2023. The elections are split into two parts: first we elect the President, and then we elect the rest of the Council. A detailed timeline of the elections can be found below.

This year’s elections resulted in a tie, requiring us to consult other universities and refer to/write policy to arrive at a winner. After a tie-breaking council vote, we give a huge congratulations to the 2023/2024 President, Sam Morrow!

The following positions are being elected in the second phase of the election:

  • VP Communications
  • VP Corporate Relations
  • VP Events
  • VP External
  • VP Finance
  • VP Internal
  • VP Student Life
  • Equity Officer

check out all of the candidates and their platforms and descriptions here

Overview of Elections Process:

As mentioned, the election process is split into two parts: first we elect the new President, and then we elect the other Council positions. Each part is split into 3 parts: nominations, campaigns, and voting. Each part is designed to make the process fairly easy for the candidate, while ensuring that the process is fair. Basically, the candidate writes out a couple hundred words (see the Nomination Form) on who they are, and their platform when they nominate themselves. The ESS handles most of the advertising during the campaigns, and runs a Candidates’ Debate event during the campaign (before the voting starts). The voting period is two days (for each part) and is run on the voting system set up by the Faculty of Engineering. For more details on this process, check out the Detailed Timeline and the Elections Policy (see the Links section) or send specific questions to the Chief Returning Officer (see the contact information under Questions or Concerns?).

Election Timeline:

Event Date Time
Open Nomination Period for President Tue, March 7th 11:55 PM
Close Nomination Period for President Sat, March 11 11:55 PM
Open Campaign Period for President Mon, March 13 12:00 AM
Candidates’ Debate for President Tue, March 14 6:00 PM
Open Voting Period for President Thu, March 16 12:00 AM
Close Campaign and Voting Period for President Sat, March 18 11:55 PM
Open Nomination Period for Other Positions Fri, March 17 12:00 AM
Close Nomination Period for Other Positions Tue, March 21 11:55 PM
Open Campaign Period for Other Positions Thu March 23 12:00 AM
Candidates’ Debate for Other Positions Mon-Tue, March 27-28 TBA
Open Voting Period for Other Positions Wed, March 29 12:00 AM
Close Campaign and Voting Period for Other Positions Fri, March 31 11:55 PM

Note: the Candidates’ Debates will be scheduled to work for the candidates – but will likely be at 6:30 PM PST.


Nomination form for ESS President

Overview of Positions

Questions or Concerns?

Please email the ESS President at with any questions or concerns about the election.