Interested in getting involved in the Engineering and Comp Sci community at UVic?
Thursday, September 8th, at 6:30pm is our ESS Semesterly General Meeting.
Join us in the ELW lobby (or via Discord) to run for the position of your choice, to vote on specific updates that affect your experience and fees, to provide suggestions on what the ESS can improve on, and to eat some pizza.
The following semester long positions will be elected at SGM
- Director of Services
- Director of Sports
- Director if IT
- Director of Publications
- ESS Council Secretary
- Director of Outreach
- Clubs Coordinator
The following semester long positions will be filled after SGM
- Graphics Coordinator
- Social Media Coordinator
- Charity Coordinator
- Competitions Coordinator
Feel free to reach out to any of the ESS members for clarification on the duties of each role. You can either ask in the ESS lounge (ELW 206) or ping them on the ECS Discord with the @ESS role.