
  1. Robinson, Sherri Kathleen. Esquimalt Centennial, 1912-2012. Victoria BC. Printed by Friesens..
  2. Bates, Jack. History of Work Point Barracks 1907 – 1918 Workpoint website,
  3. Ibid
  4. Ibid
  5. Robinson, Sherri. 85-86.5.
  6. Ibid 86.
  7. Bates, Jack. History of Work Point Barracks 1907 – 1918 Victoria Times, May 9, 1914.
  8. Bates, Jack. History of Work Point Barracks
  9. Robinson, 86.
  10. Bates, History of Work Point Barracks 1907 – 1918
  11. Robinson, 86.
  12.  Bates, History of Work Point Barracks 1907 – 1918
  13.  Ibid, Daily Colonist, August 4, 1914.
  14.  Ibid, December, 25, 1914
  15.  Ibid, June 6, 1916.
  16.  Robinson, 86.
  17.  Bates, History of Work Point Barracks 1907 – 1918 Daily Colonist March 24, 1917.
  18.  Ibid, A History of the Dandy Fifth.
  19.  Robinson, 87.
  20. The History of Esquimalt, 7.
  21. Madsen, Chris. (2014). Wages, Work and Wartime Demands in British Columbia Shipbuilding, 1916-19. BC Studies, (182), 73-111,251.
  22. The Daily Colonist, “War Yukon Launched Yesterday Morning”
  23. Madsen, 6.
  24. Ibid
  25. Ibid
  26. Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
  27. Madsen, 15.
  28. Robinson, 93.
  29. Ibid 94
  30. “Yarrows Shipyard, a short history”.
  31. Ibid
  32. Ibid
  33. Madsen, 3.
  34. Ibid, 9.
  35., “Yarrows”.
  36., “Emergency Shipbuilders of WWI”.
  37. Heal, S.C. Conceived in War, Born in Peace, Canada’s Deep Sea Merchant Marine. Vancouver BC: Cordillera Publishing 1992. 188
  38., “Emergency Shipbuilders of WWI”.
  39. CFB Esquimalt
  40. CFB Esquimalt Naval Museum & Archives, “The Development of Canadian West-Coast Naval Defence,” archive document. 21
  41. Ibid, 23.
  42. Ibid.
  43. CFB Esquimalt Naval Museum & Archives, “The Development of Canadian West-Coast Naval Defence,” archive document. 22
  44. Ibid, 23.
  45. Bates, History of Work Point Barracks 1907 – 1918.
  46. Ibid.
  47. CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum website, “HMCS Rainbow,” sit
  48. Forsythe, Mark and Dickson, Greg. From the West Coast to the Western Front, British Columbians and the Great War. Madeira Park BC: Harbour Publishing 2014. 65
  49. Canadian War Museum website, “First World War, War in the Pacific.”
  50. Hospital Ship RCN Nurses in WWI
  51. CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum website “Defending the Coast,”
  52. Bates, History of Work Point Barracks 1907 – 1918
  53. Ibid
  54. Ibid
  55. “CC1 and CC2”
  56. Canadian War Museum website, “The 1920s, A Navy Struggling to Survive.”
  57. CFB Esquimalt Naval Museum & Archives, “CFB Esquimalt buildings history tour,” archive document.
  58. “A Navy Struggling to Survive.”
  59. Robinson, 96
  60. Ibid. 97
  61. CFB Esquimalt Naval Museum & Archives, “The Development of Canadian West-Coast Naval Defence,” archive document. 23
  62. Township of Esquimalt Municipal Archives, Work Journals [1910-1948] Arthur J. Daniels, Docking Superintendent, Yarrows Ltd.
  63. CFB Esquimalt Naval Museum & Archives, “The Development of Canadian West-Coast Naval Defence,” archive document. 23
  64. Canada’s Historic Places Website:
  65. CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum Website:
  66. Bates, History of Work Point Barracks 1907 – 1918. June 2, 1917