E@UVic Founded Companies


Since its establishment in 2009, the Engineering Entrepreneurship @UVic Program has spawned seven startup companies; Tutela Technologies, Referral SaaSquatch, Pretio Interactive, Encepta, Echosec SystemsCertn, and Revela. Of 21 students who have gone through the program, 16 have graduated the program and immediately founded or co-founded companies. This 100% success rate separates the E@UVic program from global competitors and is due in part to the extensive effort put in by program coordinators. These 21 graduates have created seven E@UVic founded companies, whose combined staff of over 180 and which produce over $40M in annual revenues. The program and its companies continue to grow with the help of its partners and sponsors.



This graph shows a history of the total number of jobs generated through the E@UVic program as of May, 2019. The data includes E@UVic graduates and company founders.



Program co-founders were awarded the 2016 Craigdarroch Award for Excellence in Research Partnerships, a tribute to the success of the program. The Craigdarroch Research Awards recognize outstanding performance and operation in research. Click here for more information on this impressive achievement.

More Awards.


E@UVic Companies