Tutela Co-Founders

Hunter MacDonald – CEO


Hunter graduated McGill University with a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering and a Minor in Management before moving to Victoria and earning his Masters of Applied Science along with a Diploma of Business through the entrepreneurship program at UVic. During his undergrad, Hunter gained engineering experience through an internship with NB Power, often taking over as lead engineer. He gained valuable business experience working as an entrepreneur in residence with Wesley Clover International in Ottawa before using this and other connections to co-found Tutela, financially supported by Wesley Clover, Yaletown Venture Partners, and East Valley Ventures. As CEO of Tutela, his combination of engineering and business backgrounds has proven invaluable for the company’s growth.


“This guy has a technicolor deer on his wall.

But more seriously, he is extremely dedicated and driven to moving the company forward, growing the client base, and finding opportunities to form partnerships with other leading organizations.”

-Anthony Kroeker


“Hunter is a talented and charismatic leader who has co-founded and successfully led the rapid growth of an innovative company into a complex market. Having worked with Hunter for over a year and on a number of deals, I have found Hunter to be always be highly integral, a pleasure to work with and someone who is always able to find win-wins for Tutela and their customers.”

-Tom Luke (GM at Tutela)

Anthony Kroeker – VP


Although Anthony did not go through the entrepreneurship program, his technical experience and computer engineering knowledge are huge assets to the Tutela team. He finished his undergraduate degree at the University of Victoria in 2009 with a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering and a Systems Specialization. He took part in the COOP program, gaining real world experience developing multiple systems, including one for an autonomous underwater vehicle. Throughout his undergrad, he was awarded eight scholarships as well as awards such as the IEEE Victoria Section Gold Medal in Computer Engineering. He took this impressive resume to UVic grad school in which he achieved a Masters of Applied Science in Computer/Electrical Engineering. Afterwards, he went on to co-found Tutela where he challenges himself and those around him to solve real world problems.


“Anthony is a very intelligent and friendly individual, who goes out of his way to bring value to the team. He is always trying to expand his knowledge base and improve his skills be them technical or interpersonal within the team environment.”

-David Yarish

David Yarish – VP


Graduating from the Engineering Entrepreneurship Masters Program was just another achievement for Dave, a man who worked with the Department of National Defense in his undergrad. In 2006, he developed an Excel-based VBA macro that organizes sensor readings from over 300 sensors, software that is now on board all of Canada’s military ships. Other positions include QA Tester for the Ministry of Finance and Technical Lead on a program for the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. Since co-founding Tutela, Dave has been an integral Tutela team member in both software and service.


“Dave is very knowledgeable, friendly, and hardworking!
It has been really easy to work on software development projects together, as his collaboration and communication skills are so great.

Couldn’t ask for a better coworker.”

-Anthony Kroeker

Brennen Chow – VP


Brennen completed his undergrad at UVic with a major in Mechanical Engineering with Distinction, and a minor in Business. He went on to the Engineering Entrepreneurship Masters Program at UVic. He graduated in 2015 after writing a thesis on the impact of Wi-Fi radio frequency interference on mobile application quality of experience (link below). During his undergrad, Brennen had several engineering jobs at PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc., the City of Port Coquitlam, and Morrison Hershfield, as well as filling several positions at BC Hydro. His well-rounded background led him to co-found Tutela and work there on both engineering, and business fronts, achieving his Masters in tandem.


“Brennen is a multi-faceted leader. He is a great Project Manager, skilled at keeping the group focused and organized. He is also a very talented Software Engineer. He is comfortable working with new technologies and adapt quickly to fill the role where he is needed. I have seen him jump from client to server side code, as well as switching between iOS and Android development.”

-Serena Lee-Cultura


“Works harder and has more dedication towards delivering a quality product and driving the company forward, than anyone I’ve worked with.
Is quick to learn, and has no problems excelling in situations from the boardroom to technical engineering.”

-Anthony Kroeker